mesiFF ‘15 (Mise en scène International Film Festival) is an abounding opportunity for the independent filmmakers, amateur directors, student filmmakers and others, across the globe. To be held from 2nd Feb to 4th Feb 2015, it will provide a grand platform to the avant garde cinema which is being made all over the world. The film festival hosts screening of the selected entries which are showcased among the desired audience, film buffs, movie critics and media. In this way, selected films get ample publicity and audience reach. mesiff is open for all to submit their entries of short films, documentary films, feature films, animated films or social awareness. Films of all regions, nationalities, languages or genre will find their place in this film festival. A highly celebrated jury panel will scrutinize and bestow variegated awards to the selected film entries in each category.

mesiFF ‘15 is being organized by Montage Film Society. Montage promotes film as an art form and instill a taste for good cinema among cineasts by greater exposure to quality world cinema. It primarily conducts screenings of movies, from all over the world, having high artistic value to augment the understanding of good cinema among the audience. Screenings are followed by hefty discussions, through which audience get a chance to further explore the movie by sharing each others’ thoughts and opinions.
Established in 2003, Montage Film Society is a cultural society of Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi. Montage is the most popular film society of the university which is actively indulged into movie screenings, talk sessions, filmmaking workshops throughout the year.

Certificate and a Memento [Or may be additional prize(s)] will be given to all the winners under the following categories :

For Feature Films :

Best Film
Best Direction
Best Writing (Original or adapted)
Best Actress
Best Actor
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Best Art Direction
Student Film Award

For Short Films :

Best Film (Critique's choice)
Best Film (Audience's choice)
Best Direction
Best Writing (Original or adapted)
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Best Art Direction
Student Film Award

For Documentary Feature Films :

Best Documentary Feature
Best Editing
Student Film Award

For Short Documentary Films :

Best Short Documentary (Critique's choice)
Best Short Documentary (Audience's choice)
Best Editing
Student Film Award

For Animation Feature Films :

Best Animation Feature
Best Writing (Original or adapted)
Student Film Award

For Animation Short Films :

Best Animation Short (Critique's choice)
Best Animation Short (Audience choice)
Best Writing
Student Film Award

1. Entry for the festival is FREE.
2. Movies completed before Jan. 2013 are not eligible for the festival.
3. The festival entries will be broadly divided into the following categories:
(i) Short Fiction [Max. 40 minutes] (ii) Short Documentary [Max. 40 minutes]
(iii) Feature length Fiction [Min. 50 minutes]
(iv) Feature length Documentary [Min. 50 minutes] (v) Animation Film
4. All films must be subtitled in English.
5. All film entries must be submitted in HD quality. Films having a quality lower than this will be disqualified.
6. Selection of films/videos for MISE EN SCÈNE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2015 will be done by a film reviewing committee whose decision will be final. However, festival authorities reserve the right to accept or reject any film that is likely to offend sentiments, feelings or sensibilities of any caste, religion, community and sector is likely to promote racism or ill will in the society.
7. MISE EN SCÈNE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2015 would be allowed to use all photographs and publicity materials received along with the entry and the same will not be returned to the entrants.
8. Censorship will not be applicable to any films / videos entered in the festival.
9. For promotional or publicity purposes, excerpts from any film entered in the festival may be shown on any Television Network/Internet or related media during the festival period.
10. Films once selected and submitted for the final screening will not be allowed to be withdrawn under any circumstances, until the festival is over.
11. Prize and certificate will be awarded to the Director(s), Producer(s) or Cast / Crew of the selected film(s).
12. Decision of the festival authorities regarding all matters not expressively provided for in these regulations or which require interpretation of the clauses mentioned above shall be final and binding on all parties.
13. after the selection of your film you will be needed to send some required documents.
14. . Participation in the festival implies acceptance of these regulations.