An elderly woman reminisces over each bittersweet moment of her life.
Indah Sari YosodiharyoDirectorKidnap, Darkest Dream
Vince LeeWriterbanyu Gaib (Mystic Water), 3주년 (Third)
Vince LeeProducer3주년 (Third)
Lidya NataliaKey Cast
Jacqueline Anneliese LiondaKey Cast
Maria RosalindKey Cast
Shienny NataliaKey Cast
Yohanes5ieKey Cast
Hansen OktaviandyKey Cast
Denny PrabowoKey Cast
Christa Azalia TedjorahardjoCinematographerKidnap, 재인 (Jane), Cheated, Taxi, Rememberance, Paperbag, Darkest Dream, Gaylert
Project Title (Original Language):Memori
Project Type:Experimental, Short, Student
Runtime:8 minutes 53 seconds
Completion Date:May 1, 2017
Production Budget:90 USD
Country of Origin:Indonesia
Country of Filming:Indonesia
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:2.35:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Distribution Information
Lecinema ProductionCountry: IndonesiaRights: Internet
"Memory" is not only a representation of all the things we hold dear in our mind, but also a representation of life itself. It shows how life seems to flow from one stage to another, sometimes without us realizing it. There are small moments that lead us to bigger ones and eventually make us who we are. However, we often accept things as what they are and we let those moments pass without knowing how valuable they actually are. This short film is a reminder to us all to live each moment to the fullest, so that in the end we’ll have nothing to regret and everything to treasure.