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Located downtown at the city of Oporto, the Café Majestic, built almost 100 years ago, is presented in this movie as a place that excels in the choice of its products, the cooking, and costumer service. The movie presents to the viewer a Café rightfully established by its tradition, and the ideal place for a chat, usually frequented by tourists, locals, and some of the town's most prominent artistic and cultural personalities, who appreciate its unique environment and its luxurious architectural style. The goal of this movie is to promote the Café Majestic online, on several web pages and social networks. Considering its main audience are foreign tourists, it became logical to present the space through a video comprised with the best images and services of such a trademark building in the city of Oporto.

  • David Mendes
  • Ideias com Pernas
  • Project Type:
    Short, Web / New Media, Other
  • Genres:
    Promotional, Touristic, Travel
  • Runtime:
    3 minutes 21 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    October 1, 2013
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:

    December 31, 2015
    1º Prémio "Gastronomia"
  • Art&Tur
    1ª Prémio na categoria "Sabores e Aromas"
  • Finisterra Film Art & Tourism Festival

    2º Prémio na categoria "Lugares na História"
Director Biography - David Mendes

With a degree in Tecnologia da Comunicação Audiovisual (Technology of Audiovisual Communication) by the Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Oporto Polytechnic Institute), David Mendes is a director and sole manager of Ideias Com Pernas with a vast experience in the creation of promotional films and commercials, as well as directing television content. He has advanced skills as a camera operator and colourist. In the last three years, has won more than 30 International Awards with tourism films.
His body of work includes creating and directing every episode of the television show “Minutos Mágicos”, broadcast by SIC Television, directing “Gala da Magia Coca-Cola”, the television spots “Corta com a Violência” and “Fora do Baralho” as well as several promotional and institutional films for brands such as Mercedes, KPMG, L'Óreal, Optimus, Salsa, Majestic, Moscatel de Setúbal, Nogueira's Fire Food. He has also directed major live events such as fashion shows and music concerts.

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