“Digitalna demokratizacija”, pocenitev in dostopnost tehnike omogočajo mladim in še ne uveljavljenim ustvarjalcem, da lahko sebe in svojo dejavnost, poglede, stališča, kritiko ipd. artikulirajo (tudi) skozi sodobne medije – video, film, internet …
Luksuz festival poceni filma želi prikazati kratkometražno in nizkoproračunsko produkcijo domačih in tujih avtorskih, alternativnih, aktivističnih filmov in videov, predvsem mlajših avtorjev (do 30 let), ki nastajajo v tradicionalnih ali “garažnih” produkcijah, v klubih, v okvirih nekomercialne, avtorske neinstitucionalne produkcije in pomenijo alternativno kulturno medijsko podobo sicer dominatni množični uradni distributerski ponudbi.
Še posebej so zaželeni:
družbeno kritični filmi,
filmi na temo družba & kultura,
filmi, ki predstavljajo kulturo mladih,
filmi na temo kulturne raznolikosti
“Digital Democratisation”, the affordability and accessibility of the technique allow young and not yet established creators to be able to support themselves and their activities, views, criticism, etc. articulate (also) through modern media – video, film, internet.
The Luksuz Film Festival aims to show short-term and low-budget productions of domestic and foreign authorial, alternative, activist films and videos, especially younger authors (up to 30 years old), which are produced in traditional or “garage” productions, in the context of non-commercial, non-institutional productions and constitute an alternative cultural media image of an otherwise dominated mass official distributor.
In particular, the following are desirable:
– socially critical films,
– social & culture films,
– films representing the culture of young people,
– films on the topic of cultural diversity