Private Project

Low Sounds By the Shore

A visitor from a distant land - a Watcher - arrives on foreign soil and discovers simplicity: Chris and Freedom the dog by the shores of a lake called Forest living in a cabin called Sophia.

There the dog and her human spend their time drifting among the wonders of the land, watching, listening, feeling, thinking, reading, cooking, fishing, meeting with an old friend.

Low Sounds By the Shore offers viewers the chance to settle in, observe the natural world through Chris and Freedom's interactions, and pause from a hectic modern life for a few moments of stillness.

Time passes; the watch is kept.

  • Wesley John Hatch
  • Ken Hatch
  • Chris Mullen
    Key Cast
  • Peter Nute
  • Stephen Lynch
    Production Sound
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 3 minutes 10 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    August 10, 2017
  • Production Budget:
    4,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Catamount Arts
    St. Johnsbury
    United States
    August 11, 2017
Director Biography - Wesley John Hatch

Born in a brick house on the banks of the winding Connecticut River, Wesley John Hatch spent his formative years playing with action figures directing his own versions of classic films like Star Wars and Indiana Jones and running barefoot through forests and jumping off cliffs and bridges into crystal clear water. Now spending his time between two coasts, East and West, Wesley John Hatch studied film at Burlington College, received a BA in English and Philosophy, and worked as a Teacher's Assistant at Maine Media Workshops. Wesley John Hatch intends to spend his life making films. Low Sounds By the Shore is his first.

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Director Statement

Starting from the simple premise of creating a feature-length narrative film designed around my musician/baker friend Chris Mullen using the natural beauty of the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont and the surrounding area as a backdrop - with my collaborator Peter Nute's family cabin on the shores of Forest Lake the film's main location - Low Sounds By the Shore has blossomed into a fully formed, intricately structured 63 minute film that I am proud to present as my filmmaking opening statement.

I believe Low Sounds stands as a unique vision: a film devoid of drama but full of life; a film without traditional plot, but carefully structured and ordered; a film of dreams and grandeur and music and friendship; a film not so much to be watched as lived within.

The struggle to bring forth this film from the raw materials was great, but the reward in seeing the finished film has been one of the great joys of my life. I am proud of the work each member of my crew put into this film, and proud that Chris (and Freedom too) trusted me this long to keep true to our original intent.

The film is designed to be timeless, to stand beyond political or ideological philosophy, to state simply that we are here, that we are part of this world, and the time is now.

I hope this film offers a few moments of peace, a place to rest you mind and spirits, a comfortable spot there by the shore.

with much love,

Wesley John Hatch