Lincoln Fortes é cineasta independente, músico, LGBTQI e animador 2D. Produz curtas-metragens de animação e em live-action, utilizando atores e fantoches. Seus curtas animados "Jeitinho Brasileiro" (2020) e "A Noite Antes do Natal" (2022) são os mais destacados, participando de muitos festivais de cinema no Brasil e pelo mundo. Tem um canal no YouTube há quinze anos, onde compartilha com o público a sua arte.
Lincoln Fortes is an independent Brazilian director, producer, 2D animator and LGBTQIA+ person. He produces animation shorts and live-action films with actors and puppets. Among his short films, "Brazilian Way" (2020) and "The Night Before Christmas" (2022) stand out, which together were selected for several film festivals in Brazil and around the world. He's had a YouTube channel for over fifteen years, where he shares his art with the public.