Kolam is a short film written and directed by Subin Sudhakaran. This film starts with two young boys named Abhi and Kannan swimming in a local pool in their village. Abhi asks Kannan about his grandfather who got murdered in the pool long back ago. Kannan narrating the murder story of his grandfather forms the crux of this little film. This film opens up the prevailing caste issues in kerala, a state in india.
Subin SudhakaranDirectorMovements, Randamathoraal
Sudhin SudhakaranProducerMovements, Randamathoraal
Sarun RadhakrishnanProducerMovements, Randamathoraal
Sreerag K PKey Cast"Kannan"
Ritu MohanKey Cast"Abhi"
Mohan ChelakkaraKey Cast"Achachan (Grandfather)"
Sarun RadhakrishnanKey Cast"Sumesh"
Rahul RajCinematography
Subin SudhakaranEditing,DI Sound Design & Mixing
Mridu MohanAssociate Director
UdayanLocation Assistant
Vimal V MohanDubbing Engineer
Aswath R NathPublicity Designs & Subtitles
Project Title (Original Language):കൊളം
Project Type:Short
Runtime:8 minutes 46 seconds
Completion Date:January 20, 2022
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:India
Country of Filming:India
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:2:35:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Subin Sudhakaran was born to Sudhakaran and Sunitha a Mallu family Hailing From Kerala India. He Has a Brother Named Sudhin Sudhakaran. Subin developed an interest in films early in his life. He is a Part Time Cricketer. He has won several prices during his academics. His first short film ‘’Movements’’ got great gain and attention in youtube crossing 150 million views. He has done several short films like The Night, Randamathoraal etc.. His passion for filmmaking keeps him moving in his life.
"Cinema is an art which deserves to be showcased"