10th “Jaipur Film World”

Submit your Films

· Feature Film
· Short Fiction Film
· Documentary Film
· Animation Film
· Music Video
· Ad Film
· Web-series

More Details on Website- www.jaipurfilmworld.com

Managed By-

Contact Us-

(E)- jaipurfilmworld@gmail.com
(W)- www.jaipurfilmworld.com

1. If your film is not selected in 10th Jaipur Film World 2026, Then we will consider your film in our next edition also.

2. One person/filmmaker can submit more than one film in Jaipur Film World 2026.

3. Applicant/Director/Producer/Company of film would be bear cost for courier/shipment of their film to "Jaipur Film World" office.

4. Sub-titled and dialogue dubbed of your film should be in English if your film is in other then English Language.

5. Notification of selected films for 9th Jaipur Film World 2026 will be update on website by January 2026.

6. All travelling, accommodation, food and any other miscellaneous expenses will have to be borne only by delegate himself for attending 10th Jaipur Film World 2026.