FISH EYE - Illusione Ittica
A young animal rights activist bothers a fisherman throwing stones in the lake. An unexpected act of violence will change the course of events.
Silvio GelmiDirectorLontano e Vicino
Massimo VavassoriWriterThe Perfect Husband, Alcoholist, Dolcezza Extrema
Nicola LucchiWriterA Cup of Tea, Mirror Rim, Six Feet Up
Silvio GelmiWriter
Giuseppe ManziProducer
Erika PontiProducer
Camilla ViaroProducer
Alessandra SalvoldiKey Cast
Feredico RubinoKey Cast
Fabio PossanziniDirectof of photographyLa fabbrica dei miracoli, Miriam - Il diario
Riccardo BaldoniSound designer
Project Type:Short
Runtime:5 minutes 20 seconds
Completion Date:October 1, 2016
Production Budget:1,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Cortolovere - Occhi sul LagoLovere
October 1, 2016
Always passionate about cinema, I chose a course of study that could shape me in a cultural and artistical way. Graduated from DAMS in Bologna in 2013, I performed an internship at Oki Doki Film and currently collaborate with different realities related to communication, to cinema and audiovisual.