【The 29th ifva Awards Details and Regulations】
In the event of any discrepancies between the below details and regulations, the full version of The 29th ifva Awards Details and Regulations shall prevail. The submission to ifva implies acceptance of this Details and Regulations. The English text of the Details and Regulations is the authentic and binding version.
(I) Basic Rules & Regulations
1. Hong Kong Arts Centre is the Organiser of “The 29th ifva Awards” and “The 29th ifva Festival”.
2. There are 5 categories in “The 29th ifva Awards” including the Open Category, Youth Category, Animation Category, Media Art Category and Asian New Force Category.
3. To ensure fairness, jurors are not allowed to take part in competition where he/she is a member of the jury panel of any category (each a “Jury Panel”), and staff of “The 29th ifva Awards” are not allowed to take part in the competition.
4. There is no restriction on the number of Entries submitted by each Entrant, but each Entry can only be entered for one category.
5. Works that have been showcased, entered, or have won prizes in other contests may also be accepted.
6. Works that have been submitted to previous ifva Awards will not be accepted.
7. The submission deadline is 9th October 2023 (Monday), 6:00pm (Hong Kong Time). An Entry duly submitted shall be final. No further revision or amendment and/or exchange of version to the submitted copy shall be made.
8. Once the application is submitted, no Entrant is allowed to withdraw unless with written consent from the Organiser.
9. Winning Entries are assessed and decided by the Jury Panel of the respective categories.
10. The Organiser and Jury Panel reserve the right to, and may at their absolute and sole discretion, disqualify any Entrant/Awardee that submits false, misleading, dishonest or untrue information and/or failed to comply with the rules and regulations of this competition stipulated herein. The decisions of the Organiser and Jury Panel shall be final and conclusive.
11. The submission to ifva implies acceptance of these Details and Regulations. In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of these Details and Regulations, the English version shall prevail. The Organiser has the sole and absolute discretion to make final decision in relation to issues which have not been covered in these Details and Regulations, the Entry Form and the Work Submission Form. The Organiser reserves the right to revise such regulations and forms from time to time. And reserves the right to make changes to the arrangements of the “The 29th ifva Awards” and/or “The 29th ifva Festival” at any time without any prior notice.
(II) Entry Requirements
1. Entry Fee
For Entrants of the Asian New Force Category and the Animation Category (Asia), an Entry Fee shall apply upon submission. This Entry Fee is not refundable under any circumstances.
2. Submission details
(A) Submission of Short Films and Animations:
- Only uploaded video in FilmFreeway or Vimeo link is accepted. If an Entrant submits an Entry by uploading to Vimeo or FilmFreeway, the following requirements should be met:
a. Resolution: 1280 x 720
b. Video codec: H.264
c. Bitrate: 4000kbps
d. Format: MOV or MP4
e. Size: not exceeding 4.7GB
- For an Entrant who submits an Entry via Vimeo, the video link and password (if any) provided must remain valid from the date of submission until the date of announcement of finalists. An Entry will not be considered if the link or the password is invalid for any reason.
3. Production & Completion Date:
(A) For Entrants of the Asian New Force Category and the Animation Category (Asia):
Must be produced or updated on or after 1st October 2022. Works that have been submitted to previous ifva Awards will not be accepted.
4. Duration:
(A) For Entrants of the Asian New Force Category and the Animation Category (Asia):
The maximum running time of Entries is 30 minutes (including end credits).
5. Subtitles:
(A) For Entrants of the Asian New Force Category and the Animation Category (Asia):
The entries must be with English subtitles
(III) Entrant Eligibilities
1. Entrants have no age restriction.
2. Nationality
For Entrants of the Asian New Force Category and the Animation Category (Asia):
Entrants must be national / permanent residents of any Asian countries and regions* (excluding Hong Kong permanent residents). Entrants must submit a photocopy of valid identification documents (e.g. passport) for eligibility verification. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any submitted work if the entrant fails to provide such documents.**
3. Eligibility in Case of Joint-Entrants:
For Entrants of the Asian New Force Category and the Animation Category (Asia):
If the Entry has more than one entrant, at least half of the joint-entrants*** must be national / permanent residents of any Asian countries and regions.
If an entry has the same number of joint-entrants from Hong Kong and Asian countries, such joint-entrants may decide among themselves which category / division the entry shall enter.
*List of eligible Asian countries and regions:
Afghanistan; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei; Cambodia; China; China (Macau S.A.R) ; Cyprus ; East Timor (Timor-Leste); Georgia; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; North Korea; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Laos; Lebanon; Malaysia; Maldives; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Oman; Palestine, Pakistan; Philippines; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Sri Lanka; South Korea; Syria; Taiwan; Tajikistan; Thailand; Turkey; Turkmenistan; United Arab Emirates; Uzbekistan; Vietnam; Yemen. (List of Asian countries and regions is taken from United Nations: https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/#fn1)
**The Organiser has the sole and final decision in relation to issues which have not been covered in the Details and Regulations, the Entry Form and the Work Submission Form. The Organiser reserves the right to revise such regulations and forms at any time.
***Entrants must be the film director or main creator/ artist of the entry.
For the full Details and Regulations, please visit ifva's website:
【 Declaration & Letter of Consent 】
1. Hong Kong Arts Centre (the “Organiser”) has the sole and absolute discretion to make final decisions in relation to issues which have not been covered in the ifva Details and Regulations, the Entry Form and the Work Submission Form. The Organiser reserves the right to revise such regulations and forms from time to time. And reserves the right to make changes to the arrangements of the “The 29th ifva Awards” and/or “The 29th ifva Festival” at any time without any prior notice.
2. The Entrant must be the sole and exclusive owner of the copyright in the Entry. If the copyright of an Entry is owned by more than one person, or by a third person / party, please submit the Entry together with authorised letter(s) from all the copyright holder(s) of such Entry to ifva for the purpose of verifying its entry eligibility. Entries should not be infringements of any rights of any third party. The ifva shall not be liable for any damages caused by the Entrants to any third party for the Entrants' infringement(s) of any rights of any third party. The Entrant should only use a third party’s music excerpts, images, or film/video segments in the Entry with prior written consent of the relevant third party. The Entrant must acknowledge any authorised use of music excerpts, images or film/video segments in the Entry in accordance with relevant copyright laws. The Organiser shall not be responsible, whether directly or indirectly, for any liability arising whatsoever or howsoever from any violation of any copyright laws. The Entrant agrees and undertakes to accept and be responsible for all such liability arising therefrom.
3. The Entrant may at its sole and absolute discretion determine the entry category and shall be responsible for the decision. The Organiser can advise the suitability of the selected entry category and has the final decision on the entry’s eligibility.
4. Once an Entry has been submitted, shortlisted as Finalists or awarded in “The 29th ifva Awards” by the Organiser (even before notification to the Entrant), the Entrant is not entitled to withdraw the Entry from “The 29th ifva Awards” and “The 29th ifva Festival” for any reason unless with written consent from the Organiser. The Organiser reserves all rights to take legal action against any party for any withdrawal of the Entry from the “The 29th ifva Awards” and “The 29th ifva Festival”.
5. The Organiser has the right to present/screen any Entry which has been awarded and/or shortlisted as Finalist during “The 29th ifva Festival”.
6. The Entrant understands and acknowledges that all finalist works from each entry category must be showcased in “The 29th ifva Festival” in 2024, after the Finalist Works have been granted approval by the Film Censorship Authority (FCA), to compete for awards at the “The 29th ifva Awards”.
7. In the event that an Entry is shortlisted as Finalist or awarded and/or selected for presentation in “The 29th ifva Festival”, the Organiser and its sponsors and partners shall have the right to use no more than 3 minutes of footage or 10% of the total running time of the Entry, whichever is longer, and the text and images provided with the applications for promotional purposes in any and all media, and the Entrants shall have no right to claim copyright for such use by the Organiser.
8. In the event that an Entry is awarded and/or shortlisted for presentation in “The 29th ifva Festival”, the Organiser shall have the right to arrange non-commercial screenings and curate programme on online platform for the Entry in Hong Kong and other international cities within a year from the date of its award presentation ceremony, provided that the Organiser shall notify the Entrant of such arrangement in advance.
9. Prior to any commercial use of an Entry, the Organiser shall enter into a separate agreement with the copyright holder of the Entry.
10. Unless otherwise objected by the in writing, the Organiser has the perpetual right to keep one copy of each winning Entry for educational, archival and research purposes.
11. Unless otherwise objected by the in writing, the Entrant agrees and acknowledges that Hong Kong Film Archive has the perpetual right to keep one copy of each finalist Entry for archival or research purposes. The Entrant agrees and acknowledges that the Organiser has the perpetual right to provide his/her contact details to Hong Kong Film Archive for the aforesaid archival arrangement.
12. The DVD or USB screener(s) submitted by the Entrant will not be returned.
13. The Entrant declares that the information provided in the Entry and submitted to the Organiser are true, complete and accurate and comply with all rules and regulations of this competition. The Entrant understands and agrees that the Organiser and/or the Jury Panel has the right to, and may at their absolute and sole discretion, disqualify any Entrant /Awardee who has provided false, misleading, dishonest and/or untrue information in their Entry and/or failed to comply with all rules and regulations of this competition. The decisions of the Organiser and Jury Panel shall be final and conclusive.
14. In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of the above terms, the English version shall prevail.
This Declaration & Letter of Consent shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.