The objective of this festival is to stimulate the creation of video inside UNESCO Global Geoparks. Today exist in the planet 147 UNESCO Global Geoparks inside 41 Nations. ( They are working inside a world network called: Global Geopark Network (GGN).
Candidate film makers interested need first to take contact with an UNESCO Geopark or official Aspiring UNESCO Geopark and define their project.
Direct candidature from film makers will not be accepted.
Each candidate video need to be transmitted officially by an UNESCO Geopark or official Aspiring UNESCO Geopark

A trophy and a financial award will be delivered:
2020 winner: Trophy + 3.000€
2020 nominee: Trophy + 2.000€ (for each one of the two nominee)


The objective of this festival is to stimulate the creation of video by the UNESCO Global Geoparks and to increase their quality as well as to allow the GGN to develop a video database available for the promotion of the network.
Only UNESCO Global Geoparks or official nominations of Aspiring UNESCO Geopark can participate.


1- Participants:
Each UNESCO Global Geopark or aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark (with a candidature already officially presented) can participate with one entry (video).
The video submitted to the festival can be produced by the UNESCO Global Geopark itself or by one of its official partners.
The UNESCO Global Geopark or aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark needs to transfer itself directly the candidate video to film festival organization by fulfilling the candidature form inside the festival website.
The participation is limited to one video by UNESCO Global Geopark or aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark.

2- Video specificity
The candidate videos must fulfill the following conditions
a) Duration: between 3 and 5 minutes
b) UHD or 4K quality
c) Presence of Geopark logo (double logo for UNESCO Global Geopark ) at the beginning and the end with a small flag of the concerned country
d) 1 version with English subtitles + 1 version without subtitles
e) All images copyright needs to be owned by the producer of the video

3- Video thematics
The candidate videos should:
a) present globally the UNESCO Global Geopark or aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark with all its features (geological, natural, cultural, intangible heritages, sustainable development, etc…)
b) present specific UNESCO Global Geopark or aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark action or activity in one of the following thematic
- Heritage conservation: conservation actions on geological or natural or cultural or intangible heritage.
- Education: UGGp/aUGGp actions realised in education at all levels
- Research/innovation
- Poverty reduction
- Sustainable development: UGGp/aUGGp actions on sustainable development, stakeholder involvement, partnership, local products, Geotourism activities, etc..
- Local population involvement: Involvement of population inside the UGGp
- Gender equality: initiative or realisation related with genbder equality (women cooperative, etc..)
- Water resources
- Marine environments: action realized for marine environment conservation
- Good health: UNESCO Global Geopark or aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark sport event, etc.
- Networking: Networking UNESCO Global Geopark or aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark actions at national or international level
- Natural hazards mitigation
- Climate change adaptation

A specific attention will be given, this year, on production connected with gender equlity in Geoparks, Geopark's community empowerment and relations/actions between Geoparks and indigenous communities

4- Send your application:
Submit your participation through the festival website:

b) upload in your video (one link for the version without subtitles + one link for the version with subtitles and provide these links in the festival website submission form
Dead line for sending projects is the 30th June 2020

5- Jury
Jury will be composed by 5 International Professional Filmmakers The Jury will screen through internet the different video candidate and will vote for 1 winner and 2 nominee.

6- Awards
A trophy and a financial award will be delivered:
2020 winner: Trophy + 3.000€
2020 nominee: Trophy + 2.000€ (for each one of the two nominee)

7- Copyrights
In the submission form, the candidate needs to accept the following text.
I have read and accept the Rules and regulations of GGN Film Festival.
I authorize GGN to screen my film at the award ceremony.
I certify that I hold necessary rights for the presentation of this film in the1st GGN Film Festival and that all rights and permissions have been made.
This film is not subject to any litigation nor is threatened by any litigation.
By accepting these conditions, I transfer to GGN the right to use excerpts or totality of the submitted film, remix them, use sequences or images, for the purposes of promotion of the GGN.