4theatre.com is an online platform born from the idea of ​​being able to help filmmakers from all over the world and allow them to promote their projects. Every month we nominate a competition (“4theatre selection”), currently in the TOP 50 of online festivals on FilmFreeway. Winners and finalists will be able to choose to post their project on our platform and made a virtual screening through FilmFreeway. This is our 3rd year, however in 29 editions we have had over 1000 submissions and helped dozens of filmmakers. In fact, every week we publish a different project, which you can see yourself through our social pages and on our website.

-The winners and the finalists of all categories will receive the 4theatre's “WINNER” logo, an award diploma
-All the partecipants will be able to advertise their work on our site totally free of charge and EARN with it;

The winners and the finalists of each category will have the opportunity to receive the 4theatre's logo "WINNER" of contest and will be able to advertise their work on the our site and EARN with it. For a month, in fact, we give the contest winners and finalists the opportunity to see their short film or film on 4theatre. After this period, the videomaker will be able to choose whether to leave it on 4theatre and become our partner or delete it from the site. Our contest tries to allow anyone to compete and at the same time, in order to guarantee these countless integral advantages, it cannot supervise more than 75 projects. Therefore, once the 75 submissions have been reached, the contest will close, precisely in order to guarantee quality and transparency.

Overall Rating
  • Jean-Christophe Gutigny

    4theatre est un grand festival. Merci d'avoir sélectionné mon film Yena et d'avoir pu être finaliste.

    April 2024
  • It’s great to be a part of this festival Very fun, thank you for having us

    April 2024
  • I am very honoured that my film was selected and nominated to his amazing festival! We are very greatful for the opportunity and the acknowledgment the festival gave internationaly to our film!

    April 2024
  • Drews Mauro

    Honored to receive Best Drama Feature and Best Low Budget Feature for our film “Happy Birthday”! Thank you!

    April 2024
  • Patty Papageorgiou-Axford

    Thank you so much for inviting me to submit my short script, and I was absolutely honored to be the winner of Best Unproduced Screenplay. This placement has given my script a bit more gravitas as I seek funding for it. Thank you again!

    March 2024