"AVANT & UNA" is international flm festival based in Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The festival focuses on all social categories and thematically divided into feature and short feature films, documentary, student films and children's programs. The festival is a competitive character in all categories.

Vision of the festival: International branding of the city of Bihać as a socially sensitive, humane and ecologically-sanctified city with worldly valuable natural beauties and the potentials of an open and attractive film field. Etablishing the festival in the international calendar of film festivals and the domestic festival plan. Animation of public, social and business positive energy in the realization of the festival and the exploitation of post-festival values. The promotion of the city of Bihać and its cultural, historical, tourist and business potentials.

Cultural Center will be the location of the of the Festival, the festival pavilion, the PRESS, BOX Oficce, the Info Desk, and its cinema space for children's, student and feature programs as well as the meteo-alternative, while the playground at the Cultural Center will be a place for projection of hit films. But, in the same time, projection will be on open space, using beauty of river Una and Old Castle Sokolac near Bihać.

The festival will take place from 19 to 24 August.

„AVANT&UNA“ je međunarodni filmski festival koji se održava u Bihaću, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Festival je usmjeren ka svim socijalnim kategorijama i tematski podijeljen na dugometražne i kratke igrane filmove, dokumentarne, historijske i retro filmove, studenske filmove i dječje programe. Festival je takmičarskog karaktera u svim kategorijama.

Vizija festivala: Internacionalno mapiranje grada Bihaća kao socijalno osjetljivog , humano etabliranog i ekološkog grada sa svjetski vrijednim prirodnim ljepotama i potencijalima otvorenog i atraktivnog filmskog poligona. Cilj je etabliranje i pozicioniranje festivala u međunarodni kalendar filmskih festivala i domaći festivalski plan. Animiranje javne, socijalne i poslovne pozitivne energije pri realizaciji festivala i eksploataciji post-festivalskih vrijednosti. Promocija grada Bihaća i njegovih kulturnih, historijskih, turističkih i poslovnih potencijala.

Kulturni Centar će biti mjesto Direkcije Festivala, festivalskog paviljona, PRESS, BOX Office, Info pult, a njegovo kino prostor za dječji , studentski i igrani program kao i alternativne lokacije , dok će igralište kod Kulturnog Centra biti mjesto za projekciju hit filmova . Projekcije će se odvijati na otvorenom, koristeći ljepotu rijeke Una i srednjovjekovnog grada Sokolca.

Ovogodišnji festival će se održavati u periodu 19-24. august.

Grad Prix "Una Mermaid" for Best Film
Golden "Una Mermaid" for Best long feature Film
Golden "Una Mermaid" for Best short feature Film
Golden "Una Marmaid" for Best documentary Film
Golden "Una Marmaid" for Best self-made Trip Film
Golden "Una Marmaid" for Best Camera
Golden "Una Marmaid" for best Reels

Grad Prix "Unska sirena" za najbolji film
Zlatna "Unska sirena" za najbolji dugometražni igrani film
Zlatna "Unska sirena" za najbolji kratki igrani film
Zlatna "Unska sirena" za najbolji dokumentarni film
Zlatna "Unska sirena" za najbolji turistički film
Zlatna "Unska sirena" za najbolji self-made trip film
Zlatna "Unska sirena" za najbolju kameru

Bihać Adventure Film Festival is proud to announce that applications for the fourth edition of this festival have been opened.

Festival will take place in the period 19-24.08.2023. on two closed- locations and a summers open air cinema.

Program categories of the festival are:

- feature film
- a short feature film
- a children's feature film
- a documentary film
- a best reels
- self-made film
a best camera

All films that had their premiere after July 1, 2022. can apply for this year's edition of the festival.

The deadline for filing in all categories is 22.07. 2023..

Bihać Avantura Film Festival sa ponosom objavljuje da su otvorene prijave za treće izdanje ovoga festivala.
Četvro izdanje festivala održava se u periodu 19-24.08. 2023.godine u Bihaću na dvije lokacije zatvorenog tipa i ljetnom open-air kinu..

Programske kategorije festivala su:

- dugometražni igrani film
- kratki igrani film
- dječji igrani film
- dokumentarni film
- turistički film
- self-made film

Svi filmovi koji su imali premijeru nakon 01.07.2022. godine mogu aplicirati za ovogodišnje izdanje festivala.

Krajnji rok za prijavu filmova u svim kategorijama je 22.07. 2023. godine.

Overall Rating
  • Gang Zhao

    A friendly film festival, thank you for choosing my film and adding a distinguished audience to my film. Thank you!

    September 2020
  • Daniel Pavlić

    My film was selected, but nobody contacted me for any information more. :-( Film was not screened on festival, I don't know why?!

    September 2019
  • Very nice festival! Thanks for the official selection of my film CĂLĂRAȘI - A LAND BY THE GATE OF HEAVEN!

    August 2019
  • Everything was just great! Look forward to come again next year!
    I am also very happy for winning the prize for "The Best Self-Made Film" with our touristic-artistic short "Walk with the Kolumbinas", Zagreb Croatia😊🥂🤹‍♀️🎭🎪❤🎬💋📽

    August 2019