To produce you need to consume, but if you consumed, you never produce.
My name is Fairus Iqbal Muhamad, but most people know me as Fairus Rushit. I was born in the small city of Batang, a place often seen as overlooked or on the fringes of development. While it wasn’t a city rich in resources or opportunities, it was here that I discovered my passion for art. From a young age, I found solace in drawing, and as a teenager, I began to explore my creativity more seriously. Art became my escape, my way of expressing what words could not.
Despite the challenges of growing up in a city with limited facilities and technology, I refused to let that hold me back. I started taking on illustration commissions, offering my work to others, and finding ways to learn and improve through online resources and the few tools I had access to. It wasn’t easy, but it ignited a drive in me to pursue art further.
Determined to take my skills to the next level, I enrolled at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts in Surakarta. The city, bustling with creativity and culture, offered a stark contrast to Batang, and it was there that I gained access to better resources and technology. My time at the university in Surakarta helped refine my abilities, as I surrounded myself with like-minded individuals and learned from experienced mentors. I graduated in 2023, proud of the work I had done and ready for the next step in my artistic journey.
After graduation, I began working as a game artist at an indie game studio. It was an exciting opportunity, but the environment was difficult—poor workflow and an authoritarian leadership style made it hard to thrive creatively. After several months, I realized the experience wasn’t allowing me to grow in the way I wanted, so I made the tough decision to leave. This period was a challenging one for me, filled with uncertainty and self-doubt, but it was also a time for reflection.
During this time, I decided to explore new directions in art and turned my focus to 3D work. I taught myself the ins and outs of Blender, dedicating time to learning 3D modeling and animation. I grew more comfortable and proficient with the software. I started creating my own indie film, developing 3D models, and even producing tutorials to help others navigate this new creative realm.
Now, 3D work is an integral part of my artistic routine. Though I’m still learning and growing, I’ve become well-versed in the tools and techniques needed to bring my ideas to life. I continue to create, experiment, and share my knowledge with others, always striving to push the boundaries of what I can achieve.
Indonesian Institute of the Arts Surakarta
Bachelor of Visual Communication Design
Birth Date
November 18, 1998
Fairus Rushit
Birth City
Current City
Eye Color
Zodiac Sign
To produce you need to consume, but if you consumed, you never produce.
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