In a futuristic utopian world where robots care for human’s every need, WILL an average citizen awakens one morning to discover he has telekinetic powers. The Central Artificial Intelligence Network determines WILL to be a threat to the utopian society, and WILL must be eliminated!
Esli BecerraDirector
Esli BecerraWriter
Donovan VanceKey Cast
AlexKey Cast
Alex CascaddanKey Cast
Nick ShipwayKey Cast
Scotlin DuncanKey Cast
Project Type:Short
Runtime:6 minutes 59 seconds
Production Budget:80 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:DSLR
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Hello, my name is Esli Becerra
and I am a Multimedia Designer, aspiring to obtain a bachelor's in animation and to work someday in movie CGI and 3D animations. For the past year, I have been working as a compositor, graphics designer, 3D artist, videographer, and a photographer on many projects for a wide-range of organizations. For years, I have taught myself skills and software that are not taught conventionally in order to advance my creative and technical capabilities. During this process, I have become very knowledgeable in a variety of techniques and have developed a keen eye for visual aesthetics.