The International Film Festival ENTR'2 MARCHES becomes the International Inclusive Film Festival ENTRE DEUX... CANNES.
We select short, medium or feature films of fiction or documentary that address situations of disability, the consequences of aging, difference, all differences...

- DOM d'Or
- DOM d'Argent
- DOM de Bronze,

- Jury may create prizes or special prizes each year...

see rules further

International Inclusive Film Festival ENTRE DEUX... CANNES


Facebook :
Entre Eux Cannes
Bluesky :
Linkedin : David Guillon

We just select professionnals films: features and shorts films.
They have to be in connection with : difference, handicap and disability.

All the films need to be SUBTITLED IN FRENCH and English for them to be accepted on competition.
Our jury and the board of organisation is composed by valid and handicap persons

Our festival held in Cannes during The Festival of Cannes.
Our prizes are honorifiques with a big aura.
- The Grand Prize of Jury
- The public Prize “Georges LAUTNER “ ( It will be awarded following a pro rata of spectators following the projection of the film . Only, the votes from persons that have watched the films of a whole evening, will be counted. )
- The best documentary Prize
The prize "ENTR'2 MARCHES" with a screening in The Palais of Cannes (2 800 seats) most famous screen in the world.
- The prize of best direction, performance and scenario.
Other prizes, such as the “prix Jeunesse “ ( young people ) could be awarded following the selecting committee choice and the organisers .
- The prize of best direction, performance and scenario.
A film can only be awarded one prize unless this is cumulated with the “prix Jeunesse”.
The final results will be communicated to the Medias.

RULES in english since 25 july 2019 only one accepted in France court.
(and below ENTRY FORM copy it, fill it and send it back at

Article 1 – Organisation
ENTRE 2 CANNES PRODUCTIONS as executive and co-Producer and APF France Handicap as co-producer.
For all informations:


Article 2 – Time and place
The International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES will take place in Cannes at the same time than the Cannes Film Festival, in the town hall : 45 Rue Mimont, in May 2022.

Article 3 – Criterias and conditions necessary for a film presentation:
Can be presented at the International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES all films related to disability . The film has to be subtitled in French in color white in first line and English in color orange in smaller police ans second line.
Only one film a year for each director may be selected

Article 4 – Dates, inscription and viewing of the film by the selection committee.
The opening date for the inscriptions and the reception of the links to unable the viewing is about the summer and automn
The closing date for the registration and posting of the viewing links of the films subtitled in French (or not) is the end of November.
All entries have to include:
. The Entry Form filled and signed.
. The viewing link for the film. The file is to be sent to: Or sommeone we let you know in time.

Article 5 – Dates and selection :
. On the 15th of January the film has to be subtitled in French and english
. To enable the selection, the selection committee relies on universal qualities: informative, artistic, documentary, educational and emotional of the film. The selection committee is totally sovereign of its choices.

Article 6 : Film programming .
In the course of February the final selection will be done and the films will be programmed for the FESTIVAL INTERNATINAL ENTR2 MARCHES following a certain order of diffusion.

Article 7 – Official diffusion of the selected films:
Between the 1st and the 16th of march next year, the films legal owners will be informed of their selection to the International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES .
Under no circumstances any communication of whoever is allowed on the possibility of a selection of a film before the official broadcasting under the threat of being disqualified.

Article 8 – Authorization of the films broadcasting.
The signatory person of the registration form undertakes to have read the rules.
She or he undertakes by this signature that the film proposed in the entry form is free of all rights.
She or he undertakes to be lawfully in possession, for the film proposed at the International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES, of all the forms and rights linked to the intellectual properties and the right to respect private life .
This work must be free of any financial compensations linked to : broadcasting rights , musical rights , phonographic rights , composition and author’s rights .
The signatory person of the registration form gives right to the International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES and the APF/FRANCE HANDICAP to screen the film taking part and selected, in the French cinemas.
This film will be broadcasted under the following conditions: twenty five (25) projections maximum in the course of the tree (3) years following its selection, only on cinema and theaters or handicap organisations

Article 9 - Broadcasting:
In case of selection, the International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES reserves the right to present an extract of the film on the internet and the television. This extract will no exceed 10 % of its total length. The International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES reserves the right to use short extracts of the film in its official announcement. Furthermore, photographs taken out of the film could be used to promote the International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES to the medias.
We would ask to be able to use the trailer or extracts of the film on our different internet sites and other promotional support.

Article 10 – The film price ( prize) :
After each viewing the JURY will deliberate and vote.
The winning films will be those who will gather the most votes from the JURY and the public.
The Prizes will be awarded at the end of the International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES following a vote from the selecting committee.
The main prizes are:
- The Grand Prize of Jury
- The Prize “Georges LAUTNER “ ( It will be awarded following a pro rata of spectators following the projection of the film . Only, the votes from persons that have watched the films of a whole evening, will be counted. )
- The best documentary Prize
- ENTR'2 MARCHES Prize with a screening in The Palais of Cannes (2 800 seats) most famous screen in the world.
Other prizes, such as the “prix Jeunesse “ ( young people ) could be awarded following the selecting committee choice and the organisers .
- The prize of best direction, performance and scenario.
- spécials prize that jury is able to create
A film can only be awarded one prize unless this is cumulated with the “prix Jeunesse”.
The final results will be communicated to the Medias.

Aticle 11 – Participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs.
The organisation of the International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES does not undertake any costs for accommodation or travel for the participants even if their film is selected.
Article 12 -


International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES
Entry form

Film original title: ……………………………………………………………………
FilmFreeway number:...............
Nationality of film: ...................................…………………………………………..
Year of production: ………………………………………………………..…………
Duration: ………………………………………………………………….....minutes
Type of disability dealt with: …………………………………………………………

Type of film (delete as appropriate): Fiction – Documentary – Animation – Other

Film directed only by Professionals

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………..
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………...
Mobile: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Mail: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Film producer:
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………..
Mobile: ………………………………………………………………………………..
Mail: …………………………………………………………………………………..

Presentation of the film-Synopsis:

I hereby: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Have read and approved the regulation of the International Film Festival ENTR’2 MARCHES ( Especially its rule n°8 concerning the intellectual property law and the rights relating to the protection of privacy. And it gives us permission to broadcast the film on French territory 25 times within the 3 years following its selection)

Date: ……….......................... Signature: ……………..................................

ENTRY FORM to send back by mail

Overall Rating
  • j'ai passé un moment inoubliable , merci David et son équipe de bénévoles.

    June 2024
  • Julien MARIE

    Le festival ENTR'2MARCHES donne une formidable visibilité aux réalisateurs et acteurs en situation de handicap. Je suis ravi de ma participation à l'édition 2023 et je remercie les organisateurs d'avoir sélectionné mon film "IL ETAIT UNE FOIS en fauteuil roulant".

    May 2023
  • Greg Moran

    Great Festival. Good communication. Unfortunately I couldn’t be there in person but was very pleased to have our film Culicidae screened at the festival.

    May 2023
  • Entr2Marches is an absolutely fantastic festival !!!
    I am proud to have participated with my film. Special thanks to the great David Guillon for his top professionalism. It would be great if the festival introduced a selection of feature films. I am sure that I will send my next film to this festival.
    Long live Entr2Marches.

    May 2022
  • Justin Varghese

    Congrats to all the winners. Happy that my movie was also selected for the festival. But the communication part was not so pleasant, no reply for the emails or messgaes and not even an official selection laurel was given as a token of appreciation.

    May 2022