Experiencing Interruptions?

Dying Mind

Henry wakes up in the woods not knowing where he is. He struggles to find a way out, but his mind is playing horrible games with him.

  • Randomvidzz
  • Eddie Sarenhag
  • Alvin Johansson
    Assisting Director
  • Eddie Sarenhag
    Prod. Manager
  • Alvin Johansson
    Prod. Manager
  • Eddie Sarenhag
  • Eddie Sarenhag
    Key Cast
  • Alvin Johansson
    Key Cast
    "Slaikow/Mystery Man"
  • Edvin Brandelid
    Key Cast
  • Anton Lagerblad
    Key Cast
    "The Chasing Man"
  • Viggo Sarenhag
    Key Cast
  • Alvin Johansson
  • Edvin Brandelid
  • Johanna Jansson
  • Eddie Sarenhag
  • Anton Lagerblad
  • Johanna Jansson
    Make Up
  • Eddie Sarenhag
  • Eddie Sarenhag
    Special Effects
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Thriller, Mystery
  • Runtime:
    14 minutes 30 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    September 7, 2016
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Filmörnen Värmland 2016
    September 17, 2016
    Swedish Premiere
    Best FX
Director Biography - Eddie Sarenhag

My name is Eddie Sarenhag, I'm currently 18 years old and I live in Sweden.

I started a YouTube channel called "Randomvidzz" in 8th grade, kinda childish name, I know. However, me and my friend were just fooling around making silly videos in our spare time. We kept on going to around 20 videos and then unfortunately he got tired of screwing around with me, so I continued making them myself. Because I started to really like filmmaking. After some time, my friend Alvin became interested in making movies together with me. So we started working on a school project movie titled "Gunnar: Dirty Work" which became our very first "short movie". Despite the very crappy cinematography, we still loved it. I started to study Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro to bring me up a level in editing skills, and we both learned more about filmmaking while making new videos for our Youtube Channel. We became the perfect team. Later on, this brought us to the point of making our very first official shortmovie, titled "Dying Mind".

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Director Statement


Q: Will there be a sequel?

A: Yes, I've already started to work on a script for the sequel.
Q: What do you want the audience to feel about this movie?

A: I want them to feel curious, and to create their own idea of what's really going on. This will however be answered in the next movie.
Q: Is this your first short movie?

A: It's my first official short movie, my very first short movie was a school project titled "Gunnar: Dirty Work". However, I wouldn't consider it a real short movie. We just filmed stuff and put it together with no real thought behind it.
Q: Is the sequel your next short movie?

A: No. Me and Alvin are finishing another script for a short movie in the drama genre. I'm planning on making the sequel to be my studentproject.