Doors We Open is an interactive short film that tells the story of Wen, a young Chinese illustrator, on his return home to a single father after several years apart. The pair have a contentious relationship. Wen’s father, having failed as a musician in his youth, strongly opposes Wen’s creative aspirations and wants to protect his son from the same future. However, Wen refuses to pursue anything else but his dream, and resents his father for limiting him. Over their few days together, they revive old arguments, brood over past actions, and speculate on their futures. We experience their reflections, memories, and dreams through their individual perspectives as they attempt to reconnect and come to an understanding with one another.

  • Kevin Peter He
  • Kevin Peter He
  • Jessica Shen
  • David Woon
  • Roy Xu
    Key Cast
  • Joe Chan
    Key Cast
  • Jason Xu
    Lead Artists
  • Nick Gregg
    Lead Artists
  • Isabel Padilla
    Lead Artists
  • Bethany Yeap
    Lead Artists
  • Cody Dear
    Lead Artists
  • Elias Jarzombek
    Lead Artists
  • Wyatt Zhu
    Lead Artists
  • Jeremy Leung
    Lead Artists
  • Grace Kim
    Key Collaborators
  • Todd Bryant
    Key Collaborators
  • Winslow Porter
    Key Collaborators
  • Project Type:
    Interactive Film
  • Minimum Runtime:
    21 minutes
  • Maximum Runtime:
    25 minutes
  • Average Runtime:
    23 minutes
  • Variable Runtime Details:
    Project has gameplay portions and depending on speed of audience might vary in runtime. However, there are structures and cues set in place to prevent the experience from going over 25 minutes.
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
    English, Mandarin Chinese, Yue Chinese (Cantonese)
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Kevin Peter He

Kevin Peter He is a storyteller whose interdisciplinary works explore empathy and intersubjectivity between people. His bicultural experience growing up in six different cities between the US and China informs Kevin’s exploration for cultural nuance and context behind the unspoken. Originally aspiring to be an illustrator but facing opposition from a traditional family, Kevin explored various industries and studied film, VR, animation, fashion, and engineering. He now hopes to tell uniquely powerful stories by combining the strengths of different mediums, physical and digital, traditional and emerging. Kevin is currently the creative director of the transmedia fashion brand SEQUENCE, and a masters student at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. Prior to ITP, he worked at Apple and R/GA and is a graduate of USC’s School of Cinematic Arts. Kevin’s work was part of Oculus’ Launchpad Scholarship Program, San Francisco Design Week, and New York City Media Lab’s Future Of Storytelling cohort.

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Director Statement

In the prime of the pandemic, many of us returned home to our families and spent more time with them than we have in years. We got to know each other on new levels - us as adults, and our parents as the people they are without us. We stumbled over daily interactions, too used to our independence, and them still seeing us as we were in our youth. However, with every frustration came a new perspective. We learned more about the people our parents were in the past, the dreams they had, and the sacrifices they’ve made for each other and for us, especially as immigrants. In turn we reflected on our own dreams, the duty we have to our families, our cultural and generational differences, and the time we spend apart. When we felt these thoughts ripple throughout our community, we were inspired to tell a story that explores our dreams and identities with our families and as individuals.

Doors We open is a story that explores the unspoken nuances that can create distance among family members while highlighting the lineage that connects us. We all have dreams, but where we come from and the circumstances that we come across can change the way we chase them.