Death Notice
When a shy obituary writer is accidentally mistaken for a hitman, he is forced to go on the run from the mafia family who “hired” him after the target is never taken care of.
Matt ToryWriterWe Make Movies, Out of the Blue
Project Type:Student, Screenplay
Genres:Comedy, Action, Drama
Number of Pages:96
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:Yes
Matt Tory is a Writer and Director from Sacramento, CA. He has a degree in Cinema Arts/Screenwriting from Biola University and started as an intern on the Sony studio lot. He puts his pants on one leg at a time, and hopes to one day father a child named Phillip – so that when people ask him what he does, he can say "I’m a Filmmaker and a Phil-maker." His work includes "We Make Movies," "Citizen Cone," "The Family," and "Out of the Blue."