Private Project


Young and lonely Pollyanna has lived for as long as she can remember in a desolate island in the Primordial Sea feeding on a coconut tree. But one day, her daily coconut came with a little surprise that would change her fate and the universe itself forever.

  • Ricardo Culebro d'Argence
  • Ricardo Culebro d'Argence
  • Ricardo Culebro d'Argence
  • Marilyn Haddad
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
    Animation, Short
  • Genres:
    Action, Comedy
  • Runtime:
    5 minutes 22 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    December 18, 2014
  • Production Budget:
    0 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Ricardo Culebro d'Argence

Born in the south of Mexico deep within the jungle, I developed a love for drawings and cartoons ever since I first saw them, and always wondered, why do people stop watching them, drawing with crayons and writing stories at one point in life.

I wasn't until 4th grade that I realized that drawing was what I wanted to do for the rest of my days, and when I finished High School I made a decision, I was born to animate.

During my college years I did a couple of experiments, mostly, stop-motion and cut-out which were near what my budget and time could afford, though simple, I poured all of my heart into those and learned a lot.

What I always wanted to master, was animation on paper, the good old style.

Chances came and went but after hard work I won a scholarship to study in Vancouver Film School in Canada, and went for classical animation.

Now a graduate from Vancouver Film School thanks to the help of my family.

Chick+Chick is my classically animated film, done on pencil and paper, also my student film at VFS and ALSO my very first (and hopefully not last) professional short film ever.

Now I reside in Canada, where I hope I can continue to live my lifelong dreams.

An avid fan of animation, specially the wacky cartoon style, early 20th century animations and Japanese action sequences, a mix of styles I hope to achieve eventually in a film, in Chick+Chick I had my first go.

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Director Statement

I believe there are two ways to live life, to live your dream or fighting to live it one day.