Welcome to Critical Edge Film Festival, a national network of festivals projected toward college students!
We've partnered with the art students in Chicago, IL to help bring you Avant Edge Film Festival! Our aim is to bring your film, assuming that it is radical in ideology and breathtaking in cinematography, to the student masses in one of the most artistically-rich cities in the Midwest United States. Chicago houses a vast student art scene as well. Finding like-minded festivals in the area can provide excellent opportunity to filmmakers interested in targeting a younger demographic - our next generation of filmmakers and movie-watchers.
Like and share our page on Facebook, then send us a message to receive a free 10% off discount code to submit your film!
Festival Length Requirements:
60 Minutes & Above - Feature
1-59 Minutes - Short film
<1 - Under One Minute
LOCAL CHICAGO or CHICAGO STUDENT FILMMAKERS - Contact us at www.facebook.com/ceffnetwork about a discounted submission in lieu of a local/student category during the remainder of our inaugural season.
Critical Edge Film & Art Festival Network strides to bring together a growing cinematic and artistic community with quality local, independent, student, experimental, and international filmmakers through our annual festival events. We've either hosted festival or have festivals planned in Tallahassee, Orlando, Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Nashville, Fort Myers, and New Orleans!
Learn more @
Website: www.ceffnetwork.org
Instagram: @ceffnetwork
Twitter: @criticaledgeff
Facebook: facebook.com/ceffnetwork
Students & Educators only - Florida SouthWestern Edge Film Festival - https://filmfreeway.com/fswff
Like & share our page on Facebook and e-mail a screenshot to ceffnetworkofficial@gmail.com and receive a code for 10% off submission to the CEFF Network festival of your choosing!
CEFF Network Festival Competition Prizes:
- iPitch.tv Media Market Subscriptions ($117-$299 value each) - "iPITCH.TV gives Screenwriters, Filmmakers and Creators the ability to pitch and sell TV or Movie ideas directly to Entertainment Industry Buyers by submission of written and/or video pitches."
- InkTip Script Listings ($60 value each) - “InkTip is a market connecting scriptwriters and creative project visionaries with industry professionals and production companies, and has helped hundreds of films get produced!“
- Festival waivers and discounts ($25+ value each) - check the “Awards and Prizes” section. Some CEFF Festivals may offer submission waivers to some of our partner festivals (like the Fort Myers Film Festival or Sick ‘n’ Wrong Film Festival in Orlando)
- Screen-time and publicity during one of our LIVE film festival screenings.
- Winners and selections receive TWO sets of laurels per every ONE selected submission! One set of laurels is from CEFF Network, and the other is from the specific festival you submit to.
- Filmmakers behind selected films who are festival attendees will have the opportunity answer questions about their film and be photographed while our work is showcased.
- Selected films promotional materials will be shared across our CEFF Network social media pages prior to the festival.
- Photo/Art Categorical Submissions enter an ongoing competition for display on our website and various social media pages on our Photography page(film submissions are excluded from consideration without our prior emailed request).
Award-winning films will receive:
- Official recognition as a winner of the film festival, as well as the use of the festival's selection and winning logo.
- Digital PDF Certificate demonstrating category of victory.
- If attending festival in person, physical awards are given out to the victors of each category. Mailing upon request is available in certain circumstances.
- Their film showcased on the festival's social media pages.
Award-winning photographs will receive:
- Digital PDF Certificate demonstrating category of victory.
- Official recognition as a winner of the film festival, as well as the use of the festival's selection/winner logo on winning photograph or on photographers' websites and portfolios.
Selections for the annual film festival will receive:
-Two free tickets to the annual film festival during the time slot their film is screening in.
-Official recognition as a winner of the film festival, as well as the use of the festival's selection logo.
- Digital PDF Certificate demonstrating category of victory.