Two musicians, Carlos and Neal, become friends upon meeting for the first time on a Kraigslist deal. Carlos loves synthesizers, girls and weed while Neal is the axe man just looking for a place to jam. Hanging out at Neal's house they find they need a little inspiration to get in the groove before they rock out. They scour the city in search of weed, only to come up with schwag. Carlos concocts a plan to drive to California to score some high grade weed to bring back to Texas and throw the party of a lifetime. Things get sideways quick and the trip becomes more of a nightmare than a dream come true with drugs, girls and these boys. You're in for a bumpy ride filled with smoke, laughter and fun.

  • Carlos Grimaldo Sanchez
    Traces of Eliza
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Drama, Comedy
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Carlos Grimaldo Sanchez

My name is Carlos Grimaldo Sanchez, a native Texan, from San Antonio. I have a passion for film-making and find the art of cinematography fascinating. I've directed, produced, acted and edited over 30 short films for my personal portfolio. All the film projects I have worked on have been produced with zero to micro budgets since I produced them myself, although I have always found a way to write or work around the budget constraints. I have 15 years experience in cinematography, graphic design, sound design, audio and visual artwork. Currently, I'm gathering stock footage and sound bites for a multimedia library for any future projects and developing full feature screenplays for festivals and online platforms.

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