Experiencing Interruptions?


In a world where people are desperate for attention, Serviceman explores neediness through the eyes of an antagonist who thrives on these demands, all while questioning the moral boundaries society has grown accustomed to.

  • Nihal Muhammed Ayoob
  • Nihal Muhammed Ayoob
  • Nihal Muhammed Ayoob
    Key Cast
  • caren rita pinheiro
    Key Cast
  • Runtime:
    4 minutes 13 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    August 25, 2024
  • Production Budget:
    10 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
    Yes - Amal jyothi college of engineering
Director Biography - Nihal Muhammed Ayoob

Nihal Muhammed Ayoob is an Indian filmaker aged 21.Currently pursuing Bachelors in Technology at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering at Kerala,India. Yours truly, serviceman shortfilm marked his first full step into the world of cinema that he has always dreamed of living.

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Director Statement

My interest in the human psyche often reflects in the scripts I write, and this film is no exception. The purpose of this project was to push beyond my limitations in experience, gear, and crew, and to tell a story primarily through sound. The script is a culmination of various thoughts that have crossed my mind over the years, as well as experiences I’ve heard second-hand from loved ones. The Serviceman is a fictional character I created to explore and understand the reasoning an antagonist might have in the real world and further help me understand humans in a much deeper depth of reasonings .

What began as a script that took ten minutes to write and an hour to shoot evolved into a four-month journey of production. As the actor, director, editor, and more, I am deeply grateful for the lessons this film taught me at every stage. I hope that you, the audience, can grasp the film's ultimate message and enjoy it at the same time. Thank you for your valuable time.

Yours truly, :)