Experiencing Interruptions?


Rushed to the operating room, a patient receives the godly apparition of Freed Akali (Aidan Amore) & Shevows (Kaitsauka) chanting a mantra for unconditional love (Marina Abramović), as flashbacks enlighten us about the circumstances which have brought about the critical condition of the patient's heart failure.

The warped voice of a climate activist (Phoebe Plummer) suddenly takes over, as flashbacks intensify to reveal the chaos triggered by the backfire of a Molotov attack against a work of art inducted into a national museum during a gala.

The pieces of the broken narrative fast-pace towards falling into place, as the patient meets with fate and the failing heart is removed to be prepared for transplant.

  • Aidan AMORE
    Life On Mars|Are We For Real?
  • Joseph Everett KAITSAUKA
    Life On Mars|Are We For Real?
  • Marina ABRAMOVIĆ
    The Seven Deaths of Maria Callas
  • Pheobe PLUMMER
    Just. Stop oil !
  • uneKSpected films
    Life On Mars|Are We For Real?
  • Aidan AMORE
    Key Cast
    "Freed Akali"
    Life On Mars|Are We For Real?
  • Joseh Everret KAITSAUKA
    Key Cast
    Life On Mars|Are We For Real?
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Music Video
  • Runtime:
    3 minutes 19 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    February 14, 2024
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • ASVOFF 16
    November 10, 2024
    Album Release Premiere
    Exclusive Live Performance
Distribution Information
  • VEVO
    Country: Worldwide
    Rights: All Rights
Director Biography - Aidan AMORE, Joseph Everett KAITSAUKA

If born in 16th century, we would call Aidan Amore a Renaissance man. But our times force hashtags upon us to try and pin down a millennial #CreActor, who revels in challenging clear-cut labels. Spotlighted by the press (Les Inrocks, Mediapart, Toute La Culture, etc.), Amore is a recipient of the ASVOFF15 People’s Choice Award created by Diane Pernet, which he shares with his closest artistic collaborator, Kaitsauka®, couture veteran and member of the Siksika Blackfoot Nation. XVOTO is their 1st transdisciplinary concept-EP, produced under their label KS and premiered during an exclusive concert presented by Lyas at DOVER STREET MARKET PARIS to close ASVOFF16 presided by Michèle Lamy.

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Director Statement

Eponymous song of Aidan Amore's 1st transdisciplinary 6 tracks album, produced with Kaitsauka for release under their label KS, XVOTO musically answers an invitation to love unconditionally formulated by performance artist, Marina Abramovic in her Unconditional Love Manifesto. Its proclamation took place during a one-off public participation performance on December 11, 2023 at London’s Royal Academy of Arts, where the godmother of performance art extended an invitation to people worldwide to make the manifest their own.

Acting upon Abramovic’s incentive, Aidan Amore & Kaitsauka strive through XVOTO to deliver an audio-visual experience setting the master performer’s poetry into a musical mantra. Inviting us to tap beyond our earthly realm by casting a spell on our earthly senses to better speak to our souls, Aidan Amore takes on a new “avastar” (like he likes to call it) to preside over this ceremonial prayer. “Freed Akali” becomes the fictional matriarch through which Amore attempts to channel a super-synthesis of the female life and death forces, symbolically performing a change of heart in herself and her fictional male counter-part “Shevows”, embodied by Kaitsauka to reinstate balance over the prevailing patriarchal destruction putting the survival of all sentient beings at threat.

Thus XVOTO pursues the utopian but nonetheless substantial quest for a change of heart by undertaking the transformational process so familiar to snakes and butterflies… shedding dead skin to become purer, more compassionate, vulnerable and well-intentioned in the face of global hardships. May it be the visuals, the music, the records or the live performances, the art from XVOTO is to be hopefully received as a joint offering of unconditional love from Amore & Kaitsauka, drawing inspirational strength from artistic couples such as Ulay and Abramovic, of course, or Yoko Ono and John Lenon, but maybe even more so from “pascALEjandro” formed by Pascale Montandon & Alejandro Jodorowsky, or in other words pioneers in creating an art that heals emitters and possibly receivers alike.