Contemporary discussions about the Holocaust memory in Ukraine mostly focus on memorialization issues of Babi Yar in Kyiv. They usually do not mention other mass killing sites such as the terrains, forestlands, or valleys in the suburbs of many cities and towns.
One such place is the Turka town in the Lviv region. Before WW2, Jews were the most numerous ethnic group in the town, covering over 40% of the population. It is uncertain how many of them managed to survive during the Holocaust but at least several dozen succeeded. All others were murdered. Today, there is not a single Jewish person living in Turka.
The "Wordless" documentary is the outcome of field research into the Holocaust history in Turka. It is the intertwining of the voices from the past and the present when the footage of the early 1990s urban space and from today is interspersed with the stories of local citizens who are still carrying the memory and post-memory about their Jewish neighbors. It is the introduction into a broader discussion about Jewish heritage in Ukraine and the non-Jewish memory about the Holocaust.
Anna MalakhovaDirector
Anna DorozhkoDirector
Andrii UsachWriter
Anna YatsenkoProducer
Project Title (Original Language):Безголосся
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:18 minutes 52 seconds
Completion Date:July 22, 2021
Production Budget:4,300 EUR
Country of Origin:Ukraine
Country of Filming:Ukraine
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
NGO "After Silence"DistributorCountry: UkraineRights: All Rights