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With Staff and Stone

All warriors have dragons to defeat... After being spied upon, captured, and then tortured by the Russians, former U.S. Army Captain, JO WALKER retreats back to his home knowing full well that he and the all powerful Gi'veneray Stone are being sought after, and hunted. Even his old friend, Bogdan Krol' intends to have the weather altering stone as his own, and might steal it if he knew where Jo stashed it away... What's worse is that it is only a matter of time before the son and daughter of Master Ogawa find Jo, despite Jo's efforts to remain in hiding... Suddenly, in the middle of winter, Jo's girlfriend is missing. Ipa is gone without a trace. Jo has suspicions, and a bad omen sets events in order... Later that winter, Jo is attacked at his home. His would-be assassins stick him with a blow dart laced with lethal Hemlock poison, and Jo is paralyzed and loses his vision. After five weeks of pain and exhaustion during his slow recovery, Jo pieces together his past, prepares for battle, and faces his would be assassins, Niko Ogawa and Soto Ogawa, in a bloody fight at Oak Ridge... Is Bogdan now to be trusted?... Is Jo prepared for battle against the legendary Ogawa Family who are known to take the shape of a dragon?

On a rainy day on Hokkaido Island while crossing a bridge made of mist, Kung Fu Master Ogawa saw a round river bottom stone glistening amongst the rest. The Gi'veneray Stone. Legend states that when the hand-sized stone was lifted from the river by Master Ogawa, a turquoise dragon appeared, the rain ceased, and the wind consumed the river water into a cyclone... Years later, during a sparring match near the city of Sapporo, Master Ogawa took the shape of a dragon and was slain by his students, Jo Walker and Bogdan Krol'. Unknown to Bogdan, The Gi'veneray Stone was stolen from the Ogawas by Jo Walker, and kept secret and hidden in America from Master Ogawa's two children for decades. Niko Ogawa and Soto Ogawa have hunted Jo Walker ever since the death of their father, and have been unable to find him... Until now... And they all want the stone.

  • Rusty Lofgren
  • Rusty Lofgren
  • Rusty Lofgren
  • Rusty Lofgren
    Key Cast
    "Jo Walker"
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    2 hours 30 minutes 57 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    August 22, 2023
  • Production Budget:
    32,450 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Rusty Lofgren

Rusty Lofgren graduated from Bucknell University in 1995 with a double major in English and Biology. His music documentary, "Nobodies" was an award winning feature film at the Washougal International Film Festival in 2009, and "With Staff and Stone", before recently becoming a feature film, was first a web-series which was an official selection at the Tokyo Lift-off Film Festival in 2022 under the title "NO KILL Jō 杖 lone samurai 侍う". Lofgren is additionally an active photographer and artist.

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