Experiencing Interruptions?

Where Do We Begin

The film tells the story of three siblings and their mother as they try to piece together their lives after their father's untimely death. The eldest sister, Ola (27), comes back from Warsaw to her family home after a two year absence. She discovers a new man by her mother's side and that their house is on sale. The family seems to have moved on and Ola's stay at home begins to take its toll. Trying to piece together remnants of her father's memory, Ola digs through old home videos and photographs. Together with her siblings - younger brother Pipek (24) and the youngest Ajka (15) - she decides to recreate their childhood photos as they strive to reconnect their broken bonds. Before that may happen however, triggering these unresolved memories will cause even greater upheaval between the siblings. Ola discovers that each of them experiences trauma in their own way with neither being able to address it. As she confronts her family about this, Ola finally breaks through the facade of unspoken emotions.

  • Monika Majorek
  • Monika Majorek
  • Dawid Szurmiej
  • Agata Kulesza
    Key Cast
    Ida, Cold War
  • Bartlomiej Topa
    Key Cast
    Trois couleurs: Blanc, Karbala, Drogówka
  • Cezary Lukaszewicz
    Key Cast
    Loving Vincent
  • Maja Pankiewicz
    Key Cast
  • Mateusz Skalski
    Plac Zabaw, Braty
  • Oliwia Waligora
    Production Design
    Filip, The Day I Found a Girl in a Trash
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Innego końca nie będzie
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 24 minutes 50 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    September 1, 2024
  • Production Budget:
    1,100,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Warsaw International Film Festival
    October 16, 2024
    World Premiere
    Audience Award
  • Polish National Film Festival
    September 23, 2024
    Polish Premiere
    The Brave Outlook Award
Distribution Information
  • Kino Swiat
    Country: Poland
    Rights: All Rights
  • IKH Promotions
    Sales Agent
    Country: Poland
Director Biography - Monika Majorek

Monika Majorek is a screenwriter and director - a
graduate of the Warsaw Film School, winner of the
Panavision Film Award and the New Horizons Film
Studio Award amongst others.

Her short films ("Inka", "First", "After Season")
have been a part of many international festivals
garnering awards for directing, cinematography
and music.

Add Director Biography
Director Statement

"There Will Be No Other Ending" is an intimate drama exploring the aftermath of familial disintegration following the loss of a pivotal figure. It delves into themes of longing for unity, loneliness among loved ones, and the struggle to redefine family dynamics in the absence of its cornerstone. The narrative centers on three siblings—Ola, Pipek, and Ajka—who confront the death of their father, their mother’s new life, and their own shifting relationships in a mix of tension, humor, and pathos. The story touches on the suicide of their father three years prior, shaping each character’s grief differently: Ola clings to an idealized memory of her father, struggling to move forward; Pipek battles feelings of inherited despair and self-doubt; while their mother navigates the challenges of starting over, teaching resilience and the pursuit of happiness. Set primarily in their family home, the film captures the emotional tug-of-war between the past and the future, portraying grief as deeply personal yet universally resonant. Through moments of lightness amidst somber themes, the film aims to inspire viewers to reflect on their own familial bonds and find solace in shared journeys of healing and acceptance.