when we come home (final mix 2020)
My last film, 'When I Go Home', was a search for my own belonging bouncing between the mysterious poems of my father and the rationalism of my grandparents.
I am searching for my own story but in the meantime rapidly moving away from an autobiographical point of view to expand out into the universal stories of the search for family and belonging.
But all these questions are leading to the often pondered, ridiculous unanswered question: what are we doing here and why? What is the purpose of all this? And how we individually explore it, or deny it.
Tarek NerudaDirectorTango, Manybodies
TarekWriterTango, Manybodies
David AdamsWriterBread and Butter, Manybodies
Nikki BlanchWriterWhen we come home, When She Gets Home
Victor NieuwnhuijsProducerVenus in Furs, Lulu, Meet, Cat and Mouse, Manybodies
David AdamsProducerBread and Butter, Manybodies
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:1 hour 10 minutes
Completion Date:February 1, 2020
Production Budget:12,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Netherlands
Country of Filming:Australia, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland
Shooting Format:digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Black & White
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
I made my first film No 1 in 1983 at the age of 18. My major interest, and ever since,
is to understand the role, the possibilities and the limitations of the individual in a community.
To understand our role and our motivation which moves us through our life.
Since 1986 I studied for three years linguistic and theatre history at the University of Gdansk, Poland.
Between 1989 and 1995 i was working in the Hungarian film industry as assistant director, cameraman and editor. In this period I also collaborated with the Hungarian dance group Tranzdanz as director and cameraman for their visual backgrounds but we also produced several dance films which were shown in Europe and the US.
In 1996 I moved to the Netherlands.
Between 1999 and 2009 I collaborated on several projects of the Italian filmmaker Stefano Odoardi both in the Netherlands and in Italy. I produced, filmed and edited his projects like The land that is not, The last reel, The earth in the sky and Una Ballata Bianca.
In the same period I edited several projects of the Dutch filmmaker Sytske Kok which included not only drama productions but some educational projects as well.
In 2008 I was one of the editors of Paulo Coelho’s Experimental witch project.
Several of these productions are award winnings.
2011-2018 I worked at PameijerTv, the audiovisuals department of Pameijer with patients of the social psychiatry.
Selected filmography:
1983 No.UNO – short film
1984 The Moment – short film
1988 Marguerite with the Master – short film
1990 Music in Motion – concert film with the alternative bands of Hungary
1994 Cry and Silence – documentary about the famous/infamous filmmaker Miklós Jancsó
1995 Pub-fiction short film
1996 Tango - short film (Special price at Interfilm 1997, Berlin)
1997 Astral – dance film
2003 Carmen – video design for the opera in Germany.
2004 Black&White – short film with the voice of Federico Fellini
2018 The Voice of the Wood
Juan's Tango
2019 Manybodies – feature length documentary
2020 When we come home – feature length documentary
My last film, 'When I Go Home', was a search for my own belonging bouncing between the mysterious poems of my father and the rationalism of my grandparents.
I am searching for my own story but in the meantime rapidly moving away from an autobiographical point of view to expand out into the universal stories of the search for family and belonging.
But all these questions are leading to the often pondered, ridiculous unanswered question: what are we doing here and why? What is the purpose of all this? And how we individually explore it, or deny it.
My goal with this film is to bring attention to the importance of real communities and human connections. As the poet says in the film: if you have the ability and the talent to do something good to others you obliged to do so.