What if...?
Synopsis, series idea
Story Title: What if ...?
The whole story takes place in 2031, that is, in the future. Modernization is evolving to a very high level. Only with his voice can one control anything, both inside and outside his home. Robots are part of our daily lives and people would get caught up day in and day out. Their decisions would be made at the touch of a button, just like when we select an app on a tablet. But for them, they only have two possible answers. This or that. (For example, they have a sandwich or scrambled eggs for breakfast). At the end of the day, everyone can choose an activity they will do that day and see what it would have been like if they had chosen the other option. In the form of a small film, he would see the impact his decision would have had on the rest of his life and his entire family.
(Eg: if he hadn’t gone to that pub to drink with his buddies, his wife wouldn’t have quarreled with him and they wouldn’t have divorced in half a lifetime.)
That's why the series got the What if ...? address.
However, in these decisions, as you see at the end of the day that it would have formed if you had chosen the other, no one can change.
In addition, one would gradually disappear one’s own will and sober thoughts, not to mention his feelings.
Out of this state of compulsion, helplessness, Lena will have had enough, and after losing her entire family in a bad decision, she will confront the whole world to stop the rule of robots.
Luckily, you won’t be alone because you’ll meet a team of gamers who imagine one of their game developments started this terrible process. But the story is by no means that simple. Once they squirm into a team, they try to prevent the process from deteriorating further before they run out of time.
There will be no shortage of future achievements in action, shivering, amazement. And a little romance between Lena and one of the gamer guys makes the story even more amazing and complete. And of course, it's much more complicated.
So the big questions in the series are, can a few teenagers be able to solve a global problem, and if so, will robots disappear forever, or will they manage to find the golden mean path between robot and human feelings?
Boglárka FenyvesiWriter
Project Title (Original Language):Mi lenne ha...?
Project Type:Screenplay, Television Script, Treatment
Number of Pages:5
Country of Origin:Hungary
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:Yes - Szeged Gábor Dénes Szakgimnázium és Technikum