We're the Bad guys
Two men step into a back-door elevator. Conversation ensues followed by a series of disruptions, leading to the discussion of life-choices - commitments and relationships. Meanwhile, they've each loaded a gun. They exit - a hotel hallway - a sense of readiness...
Upon hearing their target engaged in one final outing - the two men, feeling generous, let him finish. Inspiration - taboo - now presents itself. Leather-jacketted... 'On the job'... And too good for our bad guys to resist.
Simon Timothy LovellDirectorAll the Ordinary Angels
Ben MalkinWriter
simon Timothy LovellProducer
Heather Julie LovellProducer
Edward KellyKey Cast"Gangster 1"All the ordinary Angels, Doctors
Ben MalikinKey Cast"Gangster 2"
Project Type:Short
Genres:Drama, comedy, Action
Runtime:9 minutes
Completion Date:February 19, 2022
Shooting Format:Digital 4k
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No