Water with Life
“Water with Life” is the world’s first 8K story-telling environmental documentary. It is a groundbreaking collaboration between Delta Foundation and NHK Enterprises, and it has been broadcasted on NHK BS 8K satellite channel for 3 months. It features Taiwan’s waterscape throughout different seasons and embarks an unprecedented journey through the astonishing diversity of lives rely upon water and impact by global warming. Viewers are able to take a close look into the destruction triggered by drought and extreme rainfall, coral bleaching, restoration of endangered species, and more. Filmed with 8K cameras and drones, along with high-speed and underwater cameras, the documentary is at its best when played with world’s first 8K laser projector Delta has developed in 2018. With 36,000 lumens brightness and ultra-high definition, the documentary offers sophisticated images of Taiwan's beauty, as well as the irretrievable impact of global warming and human activities on water. We regret that due to the size of the file, we are unable to submit the content in 8K. The content submitted is in 4K.
Takashi KomuroDirector
Delta Electronics FoundationWriter
Bruce ChengProducer
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:46 minutes 16 seconds
Completion Date:March 31, 2019
Production Budget:1,000,000 USD
Country of Origin:Taiwan
Country of Filming:Japan, Taiwan
Shooting Format:Digital 8K 4320p
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
WorldFest-Houston International Film FestivalHouston
United States
April 17, 2020
Gold Remi Award -
Asian Pop-up Cinema
September 10, 2020
Official Selection -
March 31, 2019
World Premiere
Distribution Information
CHT MODDistributorCountry: TaiwanRights: Paid TV
myVideoDistributorCountry: TaiwanRights: Console / Handheld Device
friDayDistributorCountry: TaiwanRights: Console / Handheld Device
HamiVideoDistributorCountry: TaiwanRights: Console / Handheld Device
Activator Co., Ltd.Sales AgentCountry: TaiwanRights: All Rights, Internet, Video on Demand, Pay Per View, Hotel, Airline, Ship, Theatrical, Video / Disc, Free TV, Paid TV, Console / Handheld Device
Up to now, Mr. Komuro has produced TV commercials and promotional VTRs, including NHK TV programs like “Sui-Ensa”, “Ultra Heavy Equipment”, “Precious Blue”, “Mimicries” and “Grand jete”. In "Sui-Esa ", launched the "Intellectual Martial Arts Series" in 2011 and in charge for main director for 6 years.
Award History
-Creative Excellence Award at US International Film & Video Festival
-ATP(Association of All Japan TV Program Production Companies) Award
-Category 2nd Prize in PRIX JEUNESSE
Delta Electronics Foundation contacted NHK Enterprise two years ago. We decided to make a film that not only raises environmental awareness but also showcases the world’s most advanced cutting edge expertise. 8K technology is a visual revolution, and it brings out its best performance in large cinemas rather than home TV. Water was what we first thought of, because it comes in many forms and colors, and is also extremely difficult to capture. In addition, Delta Foundation has long dedicated to climate change issues. Water is the most important but neglected topic under global warming. With 8K technologies, it allows me to bring to each audience a real visual experience. Filming with 8K cameras and drones was a challenge. Focusing is extremely difficult, especially underwater. The effort lasted for a year and nine months, involving over 50 members. It is the first 8K story-telling environmental documentary in the world, and I am very proud and honored to be a part of the filming team. I would like nothing more than to leave the audience with an experience that will stay with them, and cherish water resources.