IMDB Qualified
Enter for live monthly screenings, leading to nominations at the 2025 CMCS Wall of Fame Film Festival at Wishbone 600 Bay St. in Toronto, Canada and Kreatori, Lisbon, Portugal!
Launched in 2013 in Toronto, the Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) is now proudly sponsoring the Wall of Fame - an international film festival that helps filmmakers celebrate and screen unique moving images often overlooked in the tabloid politics and economy of fame. In doing so, the CMCS Wall of Fame film festival bridges gaps between film stars and independent filmmakers, supporting personal, inspirational, and social justice stories for ethical issues concerning equality for (but not limited to):
- Sexuality & Gender Equality
- BIPOC Race & Ethnicity
- Bodies & Class
- Animal Rights
- Climate Change
- Environmental Sustainability
- Healing, Trauma & Grief
- Love & Relationship Ethics
CMCS has been featured for its views on celebrities in a wide range of media, including CTV, CBC National News, Global News, the Telegraph, VICE, Flare, Chatelaine, SUN Media, Yahoo! Entertainment, and many more. As the world’s first celebrity expert on tabloids, CMCS will offer honor and exposure, and connect unique film artists as role models for human and non-human animal ethics within and beyond celebrity culture.
Registered under Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) Festival on IMDB:
Nominations and community chats on our IG
Live broadcast link:
The latest festival program link:
- Quarter-finalists will receive a laurel for Official Selection
- Semi-finalists will be invited for a live monthly screening and panel interview along with a nomination laurel for an international audience in 2025
- Top 5 Finalists will receive public screening at our festival venue in Toronto along with a nomination laurel & a feature on the CMCS Wall of Fame IG, followed by an exclusive Happy Hour Mixer, media workshop, and guidebook in 2025
- Top 2 Finalists will win additional live public screening in Lisbon, Portugal,
- 2025 Best Film Award winner will receive a CMCS Wall of Fame Best Film Festival laurel, listing in IMDB Awards & on our social media
*All participants will receive eligibility for invite-only online panels & connect along with CMCS Wall of Fame community members in 2025-2026