[CC] for English subtitles.
A man rolls a cigarette, then decides to smoke it.
Filmed in Göteborg/New York, 2019. With Arvid Nero.
Copyright by Alfred Matérn, MMXX. All rights reserved.
Alfred MatérnDirector
Arvid NeroKey Cast"Weselius"
Project Title (Original Language):WESELIUS RÖKER
Project Type:Short
Runtime:8 minutes 9 seconds
Completion Date:February 10, 2020
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:Sweden
Country of Filming:Sweden
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Black & White
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Alfred Matérn, b. 1987 in Göteborg, Sweden, is a writer of poetry, theatre, and other fiction, as well as a composer and filmmaker. He currently lives and works in New York City.