VideoPride is an exhibition of LGBTIQ and feminist videoart, that was held for the first time in 2014. In 2019, we will celebrate the 6th edition of this event.

This exhibition was created with the intention of serving as a dissemination platform for the audiovisual art that reflects on LGTBI discourses, transforming the social imaginary and improving the acceptance and knowledge of these identities.

With this project we want to become a reference in Madrid in order to promote the inclusion of this type of artistic events in the programming of other institutions related to contemporary art. We believe in the need to show diversity within our collective and support culture as a way to build new LGTBI discourses that help to articulate and spread the philosophy that serves as a basis for the demands and needs of the LGTBI community.

The curatorial team of this event is made up of members of Asociación Arcopoli’s Cultural Division. Arcópoli is a Madrid-based Spanish association that fights for LGBT rights.

Our organization was born in 2004 at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, becoming an inter-centre association of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Currently we work throughout the Autonomous Community of Madrid.

Since 2006 we have been part of the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB) where we work with activists from all over Spain and even internationally.

One of our main objectives is to promote the visibility of affective-sexual and gender diversity as well as the vindication of LGTB favourable policies and discourses. Therefore, we consider all culture focused actions a fundamental means to get our messages to society as a whole and to the institutions related to art and culture in Madrid, as well as to generate new reflection spaces to work on notions of gender, feminism, identity etc.

A special mention will be given to the artists who, having accessed the exhibition through the open call, have presented a work of particular significance with regards to the exhibition’s main points of focus.


Entry requirements

Entries are welcome from participants over 18 years of age, of any nationality that may attend the call individually or collectively, with original works.

Entries will address LGBTQ issues of all kinds from any wished perspective. The only restriction will be the respect for LGBT rights. Proposals that question or contravene these rights will not be accepted.

Deadline and submission

Opening date for submissions will be on March 26 and final deadline for all submissions will be on June 10 2019.

Videos will be sent as AVI, MOV, WMV, FLV, MPEG2 or MPEG4 files, with an acceptable quality to be displayed and maximum length of 8 minutes.

All works in languages other than Spanish must include subtitles in this language or in English.

A maximum of two videos will be accepted per artist or group of artists.

Submit your film/video through our online submission form at

You will be required to provide a Vimeo/YouTube or another platform link for your video (if it is set to private, please provide the password to allow the access). If you do not have link, please upload your video file via our online submission form or send it via e-mail to, but we highly suggest providing a link.

A response will be sent by email to confirm the reception of the proposal. You can also send your proposal through FilmFreeway.

Two JPG 300dpi stills of each work must be attached with the same title as the video. A dossier can also be attached if desired, including a text explaining the work and a brief presentation of the artist or collective, with an extension no longer than 2 pages.

The works can also be delivered by mail until June 10th, 2019.
Only those applications submitted no later than June the 10th will be accepted – (postmark date will serve as reference).

The delivery address is:

Arcópoli. Asociación LGTB de la Comunidad de Madrid
Calle Montera nª 24, Piso 2º Puerta O, 28013, Madrid

Jury and selection criteria

The curatorial team will be part of the jury, together with other members of Arcópoli’s Culture Division.

Relevance to the topic, originality and audacity of the proposal will be considered as assessment criteria.

Works selected for the exhibition, as well as the space holding the event will be announced publicly on our website and via e-mail to the participants on June 24, 2019.


Arcópoli reserves the right to modify entry requirements and to cancel, suspend, reschedule or delay it if necessary.

Authors will commit to transfer exhibition rights for the duration of the event, as well as for promotion and archiving purposes. Proposals under a Creative Commons license are also allowed.

Authors hold intellectual property and assume responsibility for the originality of works, music, images or texts that might show in their videos, assuming the consequences thereof.

Organizers agree not to use any materials received for commercial or lucrative purposes, as well as to give as much publicity as possible to the selected works and their proper exhibition.


In order to ensure privacy, personal data collected in accordance with the terms of the open call will be used only for the archiving of the works and location of the authors. Only the organizers of the call will have access to them. No third parties will be allowed to access to this information except by express desire of its author.

Once the contest is over, personal data will become part of a historical archive, not being used for any other purpose, except for sending electronic communications. Authors may request the deletion of their personal data sending an email to

Final Considerations

Participation in this open call involves the knowledge and acceptance of these conditions, as well as the acceptance of the jury's decision, which will not be open to appeal.

Any questions that may arise or any other issue not considered in these terms will be solved by the organization.

Information on possible modifications in the terms of this call will be available on the website:


In case of questions regarding the terms of the call and for any other consultation or suggestion, you can write to