This call addresses to the audio-visual works aiming to narrate the worldwide fights for freedom and democracy and the resistances against the States and lobbies exploitation, in the name of the dignity and the humankind equity, in the respect of memory and the individual identity, in order to give voice to the discriminated, the victims, and those deprived of rights living in inhuman conditions.
The two official section winner (“Human Rights Doc" e “Human Rights Short”) will be awarded with the participation to one of the European festival “Human Rights Film Network” to promote the diffusion of the work in the qualified context of the Human Rights Film Network.
For each film, the association “Cinema e Diritti” offers a contribution for one-person ticket (no more than 600 €).
Finally, to the films winning Special Mention Arrigoni-Mer Khamis and the Youth Mention, will be offered the diffusion and circulation in the network of the Human Rights Film Network and the network of “Caffè Sospeso”, upon presentation by the authors of a suitable copies with English subtitles.