[All non-animation movies will be disqualified]

Festival has two competitive sections:
[IMPORTANT to write: How old are the authors]

-> VAFI section for animated films MADE BY children or youth
(you made a animated movie and you are UNDER 18 years)

-> RAFI section for animated films made FOR children and youth
(you made a animated movie and you are OVER 18 years - professionals)

Each year Festival VAFI & RAFI has partner that is presented during Festival. In 2025 Partner will be Denmark.

More info on: www.vafirafi.com

VAFI has three categories divided by age of the authors:

VAFI MINI – for authors under 10 years
VAFI MIDI – for authors from 11 – 14 years
VAFI MAXI – for authors from 15 – 18 years

VAFI will award five prizes per category, from which one will be the first prize and the other four will be equal second prizes. The prize will be the statue and diploma for the first places and diploma for the second places. Prizes will be given by the Internation Jury.

RAFI has four categorie divided by the age of the recipient:

RAFI 0-6 – for children under 6 years
RAFI 7-10 – for children from 7 – 10 years
RAFI 11-14 – for children from 11 – 14 years
RAFI 15-18 – for youth from 15 – 18 years

RAFI will award one first prize per category, The prize will be the statue and diploma. Prizes will be given by children and youth.

From 2012 in cooperation with UNICEF in Croatia, Office of the Ombudsman For Children and Electronic Media Agency we will also give Blue VAFI - award for the film which promote the Children's rights. The prize is given out of the catories - one first and four equal second prizes. First prize is statue Blue VAFI and Blue diploma, and second prizes are Blue diplomas.

BLUE VAFI refers to section VAFI.

We accept short films (up to 20 minutes) made 2 years before festival date. Submission are opened until January 31th, 2025.

You can find the entry form on vafirafi.com. Participants bear full responsibility for the authenticity of the information given in the Entry Form. False or incomplete information will result in rejection from the festival.

Films can be send online via wetransfer or via web vafirafi.com entry form platform (information need to be correct and complete).


Thank you for submitting your movies! :)

Overall Rating
  • Nadège Herrygers

    Thank you for the organization!

    June 2024
  • Zeynab Gurbanova

    Wonderful Festival. Unfortunately we couldn't attend the Festival. Thank you for selecting Kovsar's (10 years) film to the Festival. We were so happy. Hope to participate next year and win.

    June 2024
  • ikuo kato

    It's an honor thank you very much!

    June 2024
  • Great for our films to be selected and showcased along with everyone else

    June 2023
  • Ffval Fifes

    Sve je bilo super, jedino što je kratko trajalo.

    June 2023