Unwatchable Hundred Minutes
The video Unwatchable Hundred Minutes is a new version of a work from 2020. The new form consists of audio, in the older version the individual sequences were shaped in the harmonic spirit of Johann Sebastian Bach. This time, the music shapes the same images in an existential/anxious spirit.
This work consists of one hundred minute sequences, which are diverse in nature. Stylized excerpts from older (but also newer) works are combined with everyday scenes of life. This (even time-varying) tangle of pictures has the ambition to point out the transience of being. Despite the partly existential and melancholic atmosphere of work, the video is also an attempt to celebrate life.
Runtime:1 hour 40 minutes
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Jan Adamove (1971)
Visual artist, film theorist and pedagogue. Since 2004 he has worked at the Department of Intermedia and Digital Media (Faculty of Fine Arts, Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica / Slovakia). He devotes himself to experimental video films in which he focuses in topics such as: memory, power, movement, time.
INTO THE MIRACLES (1.-4.7.2023: Sipice - Sebechleby Stara Hora - Badan, Slovakia) / 12 Sticks (site-specific installation)
BREATH, CICA Museum (21.6.-9.7.2023: Gimpo, Korea) / Golden Buzzer (video)
BAD VIDEOART VI (12.-13.5.2023: Tbilisi, Georgia) / Steps (video)
VARIABILITES EN ECHOS (27.4.2023: Le Lalano, France) / Purposeful Walk (video)
26 RECONTRES TRAVERSE VIDÉO (15.-19.3. 2023 : Toulouse, France) / Purposeful Walk (video)
VISIONS IN THE NUNNERY (7.10.-6.11.2022 : London, UK) / Purposeful Walk (video)
WEST VIRGINIA MOUNTAINEER SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (22.-23.4. 2022 : Morgantown, USA) / The Prayer (video)
BAD VIDEOART (2.- 5. 12. 2021 : Moscow, Russia) / The Sky over Lucenec (video)
KATI PATANG FILM FESTIVAL VOL.1 (11.-12.9. 2021: Mumbai, India) / Happiness (video)
SPHERE (14.-23.5.2021 : Calcutta, India) / Purposeful walk (video) / Victor's Vector (video)
EXPERIMENTS IN CINEMA (1.5.-21.5. 2021 : Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) / The Doctor (video)
Tune in to Green (23.2-23.5.2021 : Austin, Texas, USA) / Test (video)
Pantalla Rota – Broken Screen (december 2020 – 2021: Buenos Aires, Argentina) / Action (video)
UNCG International Online Sustainbility Short Competition (25.4.- 30.6. 2020 : Greensboro, USA) / Tight Fight (video)
Llawn festival (13.9.2019 - 15.9.2019 : Llandudno, Wales, UK) / Happiness (video)
Saigon Experimental Film Festival II (21.9.2019 : Saigon, Vietnam) / Jump (video)
Arty bokom (23.6.2019 - 30.8.2019 : Lučenec, Slovakia) / solo exhibition
IMAGO MUNDI - Luciano Benetton Collection, Salone Degli Incanti, Join the Dots (29.5. – 2. 9. 2018: Trieste, Italy) / THE SECRET (Acrylic on canvas, 10x12)
UNI JAZZ KAŠTAN (21.5. 2018: Prag, Czech Republic) / BEHU HEBKÝ BREH (video projection for live performance Yumiko Yoshimoto/Martin Klapper/OHOUR)
SEPARATED SPACES, Béla Dornyay Musem (12.3. - 10.4. 2018: Salgótariján, Hungary) / CERED REC (video)
re-VÍZIA 20, Dom umenia (15.3.-15.4. 2018 : Bratislava, Slovakia) / BOJ/JOB (video)
21 RECONTRES TRAVERSE VIDÉO, Lycée Ozenne (7.-31.3. 2018 : Toulouse, France) / TIME (video)
One Belt One Road : New Silk Road | Videoart.Ist (25. – 28. 10. 2017: Izmir, Turkey) TIGHT/FIGHT (video)
Visual Poetry Stredoslovenská galéria / Central Slovakian Gallery (8.6.2017 – 27.8. 2017 : Banská Bystrica , Slovakia) / MM (video)
18 FESTIVAL DES CINÉMAS DIFFÉRENTS ET EXPÉRIMENTAUX DE PARIS (11.10. - 16.10. 2016 : Paris, France) / BOJ/JOB (video)
TRIAL /BOMBURA KLUB; (21.6.2016): Brezno, Slovakia / video projection for live performance Yumiko Yoshimoto & OHOUR
EXPERIMENTS IN CINEMA (15.4. - 19.4.2015 : Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) / BOJ/JOB (video)
Poe(vi)zia : vizuálna poézia; Galéria Médium / ( 8.10. - 25.10.2015 : Bratislava, Slovakia) / MM (video)
Director Statement