While guiding the students about abusive relationships, Marta comes across André, an enigmatic young man who will bring her challenges that will change her life completely.
Ricardo SoaresDirectorRicardo Soares
Ricardo SoaresWriterRicardo Soares
Ricardo SoaresProducerRicardo Soares
Nara Affonso MonteiroKey Cast"Marta"Nara Monteiro
César CardadeiroKey Cast"André"César Cardadeiro
Daniel ChagasKey Cast"Sérgio"Daniel Chagas
Sueli GuerraKey Cast"Cibele"Sueli Guerra
Lucia MonteiroKey Cast"Glória"Lucia Monteiro
Kleber ParedesCinematographerKleber Paredes
Robson MaiaArt DirectionRobson Maia
Djalma SoaresDirect SoundDjalma Soares
João VieiraFilm EditorJoão Vieira
João VieiraSound MixingJoão Vieira
Rodrigo BoechatOriginal SoundtrackRodrigo Boechat
Bruno LeirozaGraphic DesignBruno Leiroza
Project Title (Original Language):Até que ponto?
Project Type:Short
Genres:Thriller, Drama
Runtime:27 minutes 9 seconds
Completion Date:January 17, 2022
Production Budget:747 USD
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Brazil
Shooting Format:4k
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
With a postgraduate degree in TV Directing for Teledramaturgy and a Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts from CAL College. He had his first foray as a director in 2017 on the talk show “Pauta Aberta” produced by Fundação Cesgranrio where he also signed the script for the project. His second work in this role is in the short film “Deixe o Sol Entrar” which is being shown on the festival circuit throughout Brazil and outside.