Unpredictable Journey
It’s a True Story based partly on collective experience. The story deals with a group of Africans who travels to Europe and their expectations. It shows how Asylum in western world influences their love, family, and other relative matters. The hero’s worked hard to bring their loved ones to Europe and got betrayed. With two old friends, Alfred( BAKARR KING CONTEH ) and Kevin (KEVIN BOB)Travelled miles away from Africa living, behind imagination of Europe being a paradise. Years later Alfred met depressed KEVIN, who spent years without documentation but did odd jobs and sent for his Wife SARAH As the Journey is Unpredictable.
The system becomes shamble, documentation become limitation. Sarah Banned Kevin from contacting her in the UK.His life and procedure are at stake. As hope still flies in his mind he met KADIE, whom was just out of the procedure and looking for uplifting, they dated and lived together but the unthinkable happened, when she found her Friend sister JANE(JAMILA SESAY ) having affairs with her sister’s husband. KADIE was murdered the very day to keep her mouth shut and remain a mystery for Kevin, who vows to seek revenge, till the end.
Coincidentally Kevin met an old friend, Alfred who also had worked very hard to bring ESTHER (HAWA KOROMA) sister, JANE )to Europe, whom they promised he would get married to if succeeded.
But the unfortunate happened when Jane fell in love with her sister husband DAVID( TAIWO OBUDE ) who has his own agenda and uses Jane weakness in trying to achieve his goals, by helping her with cash to sponsor her mom financially back home.
The worst happened in this twist and suspense drama when ABIGAIL felt betrayed by ALFRED and she plotted to take JANE out of the picture. Jane is caught in the web of deceit and initially plotted with DAVID to kill her very own sister ESTHER
Uxtin ChaseDirector
Kevin Bob KargboWriter
KevinBob KargboProducer
Project Type:Feature, Other
Runtime:1 hour 45 minutes
Country of Origin:Netherlands
Country of Filming:Netherlands
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Amsterdam International Filmmakers FestivalAmsterdam