Carlos and Fran have been a couple for a long time. Alex is Carlos's childhood friend. Love friendship. Threesome. Relationship. Partner. Love triangle. All these words will make sense after a night of madness. Will the three characters be able to define what they feel?
Ana MillánDirector
Ana MillánWriter
Project Title (Original Language):Nosotros
Project Type:Short, Student
Genres:LGTBIQ, Romance, Sexuality, Friendship, Coming age
Runtime:19 minutes 37 seconds
Completion Date:April 23, 2019
Country of Origin:Spain
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Distribution Information
BANATU FILMAKCountry: SpainRights: All Rights
Ana Millán - Artista Visual y Directora de Cine. Actualmente estoy acabando mi primer libro de poesía y escribiendo el guión de mi primera película, actividades que compagino con la pintura y la ayudantía de dirección en proyectos de ficción.
Me gradué en Comunicación Audiovisual en la Universidad Blanquerna y, decidida a contar mis propias historias, cursé el Máster de Dirección de ESCAC, dónde posteriormente fui becada para hacer el Máster de Montaje.
Ana Millán - Visual Artist and Filmmaker. I’m currently finishing my first book of poetry and writing the script of my first film. Plus, I combine both activities along with painting, and being an Assistant Director in fiction projects.
I graduated in Audiovisual Communication at Blanquerna University. Later on, and willing to tell my own stories, I took the Master's Degree in Management from ESCAC, where I was subsequently awarded with an scholarship to course the Master's Degree in Assembly at ESCAC.