Transylvania Mountain Festival is the international mountain festival from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. TMF is designed to inspire the public to engage in outdoor sports and go out in Nature, in the mountains!

From meetings with athletes and experts in skiing, rock climbing, mountaineering, canyoning, caving, paragliding and BASE jumping, to mountain film documentaries, mountain and adventure photography exhibition and workshop or mountain technology innovations, the international mountain festival from Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, brings a modern perspective on mountain activities.

Transylvania Mountain Festival Awards 2025 for mountain photography, mountain film, mountaineering and innovation strive to highlight the best initiatives, the sport and artistic talent in the field and to raise awareness for protecting the Mountains.

Join us and our friendly festival by submitting your film/video and photos in the competition!

Transylvania Mountain Festival offers four main awards:

TMF Mountain Film Award
TMF Mountain Photography Award
TMF Mountain Activity Award
TMF Mountain Innovation Award


The TMF - Transylvania Mountain Film Award is intended to stimulate mountain experiences related film/video productions.

Tha Grand Prize is the original TMF Trophy.
We are here to make a statement and unite mountain lovers.
Additional prizes in cash and products are included for each edition.

The festival is open for International submissions. (Translations are provided by the festival organization.)

Please try to fit your submission into one single category. (Mountain Adventure Shorts / Mountain Feature Film / Mountain Documentary)

The movies and videos selected for the final selection
- are screened in the cinema during the festival
- can be screened online for remote viewing during the festival and cca. 2 weeks after the last physical screening
- are promoted across the festival offline, online and on air channels

The best productions will benefit of media exposure and featured interviews of the directors, producers or main protagonists.

Award winners agree to have their film screened locally for one night only after the festival as part of an award winners series
The winner will be announced during the Transylvania Mountain Festival Awards Gala , on November 27, 2025.

The best films will be presented in the Transylvania Mountain Festival tours and screenings, according to an announced schedule.

The jury also reserves the right to not present an award, and its decisions will be final.
We do not accept late entries.

Technical requirements:
-the prescreening submitted format should be .mov or .mp4
-the final film Requirements
DCI 2K - 1.85:1 (flat) - 1998x1080
DCI 2K - 2.39:1 (scope) - 2048x858
DCI 4K - 1.85:1 (flat) - 3996x2160
DCI 4K - 2.39:1 (scope) - 4096x1716

All movies must be at 24 FPS
Audio: 5.1

-subtitles are mandatory
-for the final screening your will be contacted by the TMF Film Section Coordinator.


The Mountain Photography Categories are:
- mountain sport photography
- mountain landscape photography

Technical Requirements:
-We highly recommend that all submitted images strive to cover the following mountain milieus: above-the-ground, underground, water and air.
-The exhibited images format will be: 30 x 45 cm, 300 dpi (min 2500 px / height)
-Number of admitted submissions/category: 3 images / category (6 per participant)
-Each image should be noted from 1 to n, category, followed by the author’s name, the year when it was shot, title name and place (for example: 1_B_Mihai Popescu_2018_Carpathians landscape_Șureanu Mountains)
-Images must be sent without watermark

- The official TMF exhibition is normally scheduled during the festival, in November -
Copyrights remain to the authors, the organizers of TMF having the right to use the selected images during Transylvania Mountain Festival.
- The selected photographers for the official exhibition will benefit of media exposure and featured interviews.
- The winner will be announced during the Transylvania Mountain Festival Awards Gala, on November 27, 2025.
- The jury also reserves the right to not present an award, and its decision will be final.