The film "Tomorrow" is a drama that follows a seemingly ordinary day of the main protagonist Luna. Luna is a high school student whose one night out turns into a real nightmare. The whole film goes through a change of emotions from a passion for music to fear and curiosity. The mirror of her inner identity is set as a turning point in the relationship between the daughter and the father she does not know. At the end of the film, he learns the whole truth about his father, but too late. The entire film represents the disease of today's society but also proves that social empathy does not exist.
Doris BergovecActress
Doris BergovecCostumography
Doris BergovecMakeup
Vanja ModrinjakDirectorMirror of illusions
Vanja ModrinjakWriterMirror of illusions
Vanja ModrinjakProducerMirror of illusions
Vanja ModrinjakScenographyMirror of illusions
Vanja ModrinjakDirector of photographyMirror of illusions
Vanja ModrinjakCutterMirror of illusions
Vanja ModrinjakSound designMirror of illusions
Vanja ModrinjakColoristMirror of illusions
Project Type:Experimental, Short, Student, Other
Genres:Drama, Horror
Runtime:7 minutes 45 seconds
Completion Date:April 20, 2023
Production Budget:0 EUR
Country of Origin:Croatia
Country of Filming:Croatia
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:2.39:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes - /