We're quickly thrown into a relationship crisis between two brothers, who's forced to deal with the sorrow of their parents passing.
Eddie SarenhagDirector
Eddie SarenhagWriter
Molkoms FolkhögskolaProducer
Samuel BäckmanCinematography
Jakob BenjaminssonFirst assistant director
Rafal WójtowiczSound
Petter IngemarssonLight
Jakob BenjaminssonScript supervisor
Eddie SarenhagEditing, Sound mix & Color grading
Oskar TullstenKey Cast"Alex"
Lucas PihlajamaaKey Cast"Johan"
Rebecca SteenKey Cast"S.O.S/Teenager 2"
Alexandra LantzKey Cast"Teenager 1"
Eddie SarenhagKey Cast"Teenager 3"
Project Title (Original Language):Tillsammans
Project Type:Short, Student
Runtime:15 minutes
Completion Date:August 25, 2019
Country of Origin:Sweden
Country of Filming:Sweden
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:2.35:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
I've been making movies with my friends for a pretty long time now. After I graduated high school I wanted to do something that had to do with filmmaking. So I applied for a two year education at Molkoms Folkhögskola in Sweden. I got the part and I'm currently doing my second year as I'm writing this. The movie "Together" was my final project from year one at the school.
I wanted to make something personal that I could relate to, therefore this movie about two brothers who has trouble communicating.