Time Line
In the year 2199 a 21-year-old woman is avenging her mother’s death by discovering the deep-rooted secrets of the safest Utopian city on earth and most importantly, its leader.
A.C. PluijmWriterCFNM: Do Women Have A Higher Sex Drive?
Project Type:Television Script
Number of Pages:54
Country of Origin:Netherlands
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
Anouk Pluijm is a 24-year-old director and writer from the Netherlands. She is known for the documentary "Do Women Have A Higher Sex Drive" which she directed while she was in college. From when she was a child, she was always fascinated by storytelling, in the form of directing and mostly writing. That's the reason why she's writing her own TV (sci-fi) series "Time Line".