This One Life ( Film Synopsis Entry)

I am Michelle Wise. The project I am working on is a drama based on a true story. The title of the project is "This One Life".

This one life, this one girl, has a calling and a destiny to fulfill. The war between the two kingdoms, with that one life in the middle, will keep the audience in suspense of what is going to happen next. Divine intervention and the power of prayer, keep her (Audrey) alive.

Part of the story, as the character is growing up, is narrative as the events unfold. The premise of the movie is that every life is precious. A section of the movie will address the real struggle of abortion and the courage that it takes to make the right decision.

The audience will see the impact faith has on behaviors and decisions and how in those defining moments, we are surrounded by two opposite forces
that are at war. There is a Heavenly force, that is God's intervention and an opposing evil force that is trying to kill, steal and destroy the destiny of that one life. The forces of good and evil will be evident throughout the movie as an "undertone" (through subtle audio and visual effects).

Act 1
Maria (Audrey's mother) finds out that she is pregnant. She is afraid of the responsibilities of raising a baby and how this will affect her life. She runs away, leaving the state of Michigan and travels to Kansas to get an abortion. Her plans get interrupted because her doctor explains that what is growing inside of her is indeed a real baby. Meanwhile, her boyfriend Chad calls to convince her to come home, get married and raise the baby together.

Maria returns to Michigan and they get married and raise baby Audrey and start a family. Their story develops as they start to make better choices for their new family. They stopped drinking and decided to make a choice for faith.

Act 2
Maria & Chad have a second child at this point. They took the children to church to learn about Jesus. Baby Audrey turns 7 years old and has an encounter with the Creator of the universe one day. While singing a Sunday school song, she hears an audible voice from heaven talking to her about her destiny. From that moment on, a seed was planted in her heart that would carry on through her entire life.

Years fly by silently as life unfolds. A battle for Audrey's heart, mind and emotions are evident through the years. Will good win out? Will she slide into the lies of monetary comforts? Yes, she gets pulled off course, almost to the point of death. But God's plan never changed. Every moment was used and turned around for good.

Act 3
Audrey has fallen so low morally and thinks that God wouldn't take her back, that she is about to end her life. She comes to a crossroad of decision, realizing that she cannot live in pain anymore. She starts to write a suicide letter to leave behind, which becomes a letter of repentance to God. Immediately she is reconnected with the Creator of the Universe. Her childhood memories start to surface and the "still small voice" that she heard when she was a child is loud and clear once again. Her first love is rekindled.

The purpose of life and the evidence of God's love will leave a powerful move of purpose and bring the audience back to the right priorities in life. My purpose in this creation is to bring a sense of destiny, hope, and love for and from God. Reconciliation between God and man through Christ Jesus.

  • Michelle Wise-Mongar
  • Michelle Wise-Mongar
  • DeLight Motion Pictures LLC
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Distribution Information
  • Pureflix
    Country: United States
    Rights: Pay Per View
  • Netflix
    Country: United States
    Rights: Pay Per View
Writer Biography - Michelle Wise-Mongar

Michelle Wise-Mongar (Reid)

I am 47 years old. I have lived in Michigan all of my life. I had a happy childhood with a mother and father who loved me. I always thought my parents were the average Christian family. It wasn't until I was born again at age 31, that I realized the significance of my own life and how much I truly love and appreciate my parents.

When I was 16 years old, MTV was all the rage. I was infatuated with video cameras. I studied film making in college, but my parents did not have enough money to put me through film school. I switched majors and started a career in photography, that was about 30 years ago.

I was married in 1992 to a guy I met in my film class. We were married for 10 years. The Youtube link will tell that story. I was remarried in 2012. He was in a terrible accident breaking both his legs. We were homeless for a while and made it through, then he passed away because of a heart attack in 2016. I had another encounter with the Lord when my body went into shock. God has been putting the pieces of my life together over the past few years.

I started to reexamine my life and pulled back from the "busyness" of corporate life. Alongside the grieving process, I also found myself in the middle of a financial disaster. I can not believe I've made it this far! All the miracles I have seen, God is so good!!

I sense Satan was sifting me, but God has been shifting me. Shifting me into film making. I have been having vivid memories and specific conversations come to mind. I see lighting, scenes and feel the emotion of everything going on in the scene before I write.

The Lord has been putting key people in my life for a new season. I can not wait to finish the desire He has put in my heart.

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Writer Statement

My life's verse is Romans 8:28.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

My work is a reflection of my walk with Christ and what I've learned and the way. God has used the highs and lows in my life to encourage others; I am honored to be used this way.

The art of motion pictures is the most powerful way to minister a testimony. This form of art can go places a minister would be limited.

I am hoping to mend bridges between people groups: red and yellow, black and white. Every life is significant. God has a plan for everyone and everyone who enters the world faces the same battle. Most are unaware of the truth of God's love and His word or how to go through the process at a stance of victory. I would like to equip His people through my time, talents and resources.