“They Been After Me Lately”
The fight or flight examples of how my life been going. Hope you can relate. Fighting anxiety and humbleness.
Nile WilliamsPhotographer
Date Taken:September 16, 2021
Country of Origin:United States
Camera:LUMIX gh5s
Focal Length:2.4
Shutter Speed:80
ISO / Film:60
Student Project:No
I started professional videography & business as a content creator at the age of 16 while mainly working within the community of Sandtown-Winchester, in West Baltimore, Maryland.
Since then, I have grown his services and now specializes in videography, photography, promotional content, journalism/documentary, editing, and camera work. I have also created “NAW!”, A collective of experienced and creative Artists, Models, Camera Operators, Producers, and Assistant Directors who share the same passion for creating unique art in the Baltimore area.
With 5 years of experience, we have worked with everyone from small local businesses and artists, to some of the nation’s well-known brands including Patron, Under Amour, DTLR, HBO, Footlocker, and social media platforms such as Clubhouse.
Fear is only what you allow. It happens to the best of us.