The global Echo
In the heart of an inspiring and challenging story stands John, a young boy who lost his father and possesses a remarkable singing talent. However, he suffers from the ridicule and abuse of his stepfather, Jason, which leaves him with deep psychological scars. Despite the hardships, John finds solace and encouragement from his supportive friends, his mother, and his brother. With a heart full of determination, John decides to confront Jason, uncovering hidden truths about his life and Jason’s real motives.As John delves deeper, he discovers that Jason is acting according to a will left by John's deceased father. The plot thickens as a dangerous gang emerges, seeking to settle old scores, thrusting John into the most dangerous battle of his life. Will he be able to stand strong against these threats? Can he reconcile with his stepfather and uncover the mysteries surrounding his life
Imad ChelloufiWriterScreenplay writer
Project Type:Screenplay
Genres:Drama - musical - romance - comedy
Number of Pages:111
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
I am a screenwriter specializing in American cinema, with extensive experience in writing films and television series. I have the ability to transform small ideas into extraordinary artistic works thanks to my wide imagination and endless creativity.
Screenplay writer with unbelievable programmes to develop the cinema