The World of Curious Linda
Linda lives in an ordinary town with ordinary shops and ordinary people filled with ordinary days. But Linda is different!
Living in the Curiosity Shop, Linda uses her imagination to start adventures with her best friend Louie.
Linda's amazing imagination allows her to transform into anything she desires!
TAK HOON KIMDirectorJack, the leader
SUN GU KIMExecutive Producer
OK JOO LEEProducer
Mi Seo GwakProject Manager
So Jin JinLine Producer
Jihae YoonAssistant ProducerGreedy Shadow
Project Type:Animation, Short, Television
Runtime:11 minutes
Country of Origin:Korea, Republic of
Country of Filming:Korea, Republic of
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
1972 Born in Seoul, South Korea
1994 School of Visual Arts (NY) Film & Animation BFA
1998 School of Visual Arts (NY) Computer Art MFA
2001 New York MTV Network Supervising Animator
The Graduate School of Advanced Imaging Science, Multimedia & Film Chung-Ang Universiy Seoul, Professor
Tak Toon Enterprise, CEO