Experiencing Interruptions?

The Story of Your Life

One night, two people saw the infinite possibilities of their lives. After recognizing themselves thoroughly, they made their decision.
This film is about youth, dream and reality, disappointment and acceptance, elite and mundane, past and future.

  • Zihan Qu
  • Shenshen Tan
  • Zihan Qu
  • Zihan Qu
    Key Cast
    "Hannah Shen"
  • Rei Wei
    Key Cast
    "Lance Chen"
  • Tianle Yu
  • Zihan Qu
  • Tianle Yu
    Director of Photography and Acoustic
  • Yiren Wang
  • Yixiang Fang
    Stage Property Supervisor
  • Yuxuan Yang
    Financial Supervisor
  • Jingyu Yan
    Site Support
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
    Short, Student
  • Genres:
    Sci-Fi, Narrative
  • Runtime:
    45 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    April 12, 2019
  • Production Budget:
    192 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
    Chinese, English
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Los Angeles Film Awards
    Los Angeles
    United States
    Honorable Mention: Best Young Filmmaker
  • KinoDUEL International Film Festival

    Russian Federation
    Official Selection
  • The Lift-Off Sessions

    United Kingdom
    Official Selection
  • Indie Short Fest
    Los Angeles, California
    United States
    Official Selection
Director Biography - Zihan Qu, Shenshen Tan

Zihan Qu, a 16- year-old high school student from Shandong Experimental High School. She currently lives in Jinan, a capital city of East China's Shandong Province.
'The Story of Your Life' is the first short film she produced. Besides being the director, she is also the scriptwriter, key cast, translator and so on.

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Director Statement

Hello everyone!
I am Zihan Qu, a 16- year-old high school student from Shandong Experimental High School. I also go by Hannah.
'The Story of Your Life' is the first short film that I produced. Despite of the rough process, the extremely limited budget (192 USD)and the massive school work, my team and me managed to complete the film as quality as we can. I am really proud of us.
It is my experience that gives me the inspiration. Up till today, I have been to over twenty countries, watched more than three hundreds movies and eight hundreds or so TV episodes. I am intrigued by the fascinating world, both genuine and virtual. As time went on, I am no longer satisfied with being the audience, I want to be the one who tells the story, who shares her ideas and experiences with the whole world. Thus, 'The Story of Your Life' was born.
I write the script based on my former experience. In this story, the prototype of Hannah Shen is me myself, and Lance Chen's is several boys appeared in my life. Basically, I include all the my most memorable moment and my very own thoughts towards this world in this film. A little crush alongside admiration from a boy, an argument on the my future major with my parents, the comparison between the 'six penny' and the 'moon', the recognization of myself, the things that I cherish and the things that I regret, etc. Thus, this film is about youth, dream and reality, disappointment and acceptance, elite and mundane, past and future.
I include many possibility of life, and I hope some parts would arouse people's sympathy. Please enjoy the film, and expect my further production.