The Sons of Umbanda
“The Sons of Umbanda” opens up the doors of the temple and invites us to look into Umbanda religion and it’s internal aspects through the lens of its ritual chants. Filmed at the Tenda de Umbanda Estrela Matutina, in the city of Campinas (São Paulo State, Brazil), the documentary parts from interviews with the temple's Master, the local community and anthropologists, exploring the close relationship between singing as a ritualistic practice and the cosmogenesis according to the Umbandistic perspectives. The narratives brought by this film also show that the local community and their ritual chants preserve, through the mediation of music, strong elements of its own trajectory, tradition, and identity.
Giovanna ColussiDirection, Script and Research
Marina PiresPhotography
Julia MontoroPhotography
Giovanna ColussiPhotography
Gui AugustaFinalizingCisco Laboratory
Marina PiresFinalizing
Gui AugustaSoundCisco Laboratory
Guilherme ZanchettaSound
Giovanna ColussiProducer
Project Title (Original Language):Firma o Ponto, Filho de Fé
Project Type:Documentary
Genres:Social, Cultural, Musical
Runtime:24 minutes 17 seconds
Completion Date:December 9, 2019
Production Budget:2,000 USD
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Brazil
Shooting Format:HD (1920x1080)
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
March 15, 2020
Best Short Documentary -
🌿 18o Festival de Curtas de Pinhais - 2020Pinhais-PR
Official Selection
Distribution Information
Not yet distributed.
Giovanna Colussi is a Music Performance graduate from State University of Campinas (Brazil), a music-religion researcher in the field of Anthropology of Religion and a debuting director in "The Sons of Umbanda".